Four exercises to have firm and toned buttocks

There are people who perform different physical exercise routines every day that allow them to work some parts of their body. Many only do it for aesthetic reasons or to feel good, but it is essential to know that sport is also directly health related.

It is the case of glute workout, because the benefits of working that area go beyond aesthetics. Thus, having firm and toned buttocks is also important to strengthen muscles and improve physical condition, which allows us to stay healthy.

However, it is important to work the area correctly and under the supervision of an expert to advise us how to achieve the best results while staying healthy.

Why are glute exercises beneficial?

There are many people who train their buttocks to keep them firm and toned, but the vast majority are unaware of the real benefits of carrying out this type of exercise.

From the gym chain Metropolitan explain that strengthening the glutes is also important for stabilize the pelvis and spineso that it helps us counteract the effects of spending long hours sitting in an office chair.

In addition, glute exercises are effective for get rid of body fat that accumulates in that area. However, in that case, it is necessary to reinforce the care of the area with specific exercises, always combining it “with an adequate, healthy and balanced diet”, these professionals point out.

If we stop performing exercises designed to strengthen the buttocks, it is normal for them to become flaccid, sunken, and shapelessor even gain volume by accumulating cellulite due to accumulated body fat.

Gluteal exercises that will help us tone them

Metropolitan experts propose to introduce gluteal training in the routine with the aim of achieving volume, firmness and good tone. As they emphasize, there are different ways to work this part of the body, since there are thousands of exercises for it.

Specifically, the Fitness professionals of the Metropolitan Club propose different training that allow us to work in a focused way the gluteal area. Some are as follows:

  • Hip thrust: It is a specific exercise that “refers to a very specific hip extension exercise that has a very localized impact on the gluteus maximus, although it also affects the paravertebral muscles and the knee extensors.” According to the experts, to work the gluteus correctly “it is important to combine low repetition work, but high loads and, on the other hand, medium loads and a high volume of repetitions”, generating fatigue that stimulates muscle growth.
  • Bulgarian Squat: Another of the exercises they recommend is the Bulgarian squat, which consists of performing single-leg squats, supporting the free leg on a bench or any other elevated object that we place behind us. When we perform the exercise we will generate more strength and greater activation of the gluteus.
  • leg abductions: this is an exercise that consists of “separating the foot laterally from the medial area of ​​the body”. Abductions are exercises that are performed by activating the gluteus medius. They can be done standing or on side planks.
  • Biking or going for a walk: Two very common activities that practically everyone has within their reach and that are beneficial for toning the buttocks are riding a bicycle or going for a walk, specifically walking uphill. These two workouts “promote repetitive activation of the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius that can be useful for training both muscles,” the experts conclude.

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The Bulgarian squat is a variant of the basic squat.

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