Four years later, Apple and Corellium end fight with new agreement

2023-12-15 12:30:25

The legal fight between the Apple it’s at Corelliuma company that distributed a computer virtualization tool iOSreturned to public outcry after the two reached an agreement that closed the case (four years later), according to a new subject from Forbes.

Yesterday (12/14), according to reports, the court announced that “the parties have reached a full and complete settlement of all causes of action and remaining issues in this case”, without providing detailed information on the proceedings. The judges also congratulated the parties and their lawyers “for reaching an amicable agreement”.

URGENT — The Apple vs. Apple lawsuit Corellium has finally ended, after four years in which Apple persisted with its copyright claims despite courts rejecting them.
Critics feared Apple’s claims were “dangerous” to iPhone security research.

The case may seem a little confusing because, in mid-2021, the companies had already signed an agreement on the distribution of the Corellium emulator; however, one of the aspects of the dispute considered that the tool was within the terms of fair use of United States lawwhich Apple had been countering since then, but ended up suffering a defeat last May.

Furthermore, as recalled by Forbesthe fight had a series of surprises, with Corellium’s lawyers revealing that Apple had tried to buy the startup for US$23 million in 2018 — a year before the case broke.

It is worth remembering that Apple accused Corellium of replicating iOS and distributing its software as an alternative to Apple’s security research products. The defendant, on the other hand, argued that the duplication of Apple’s mobile system code was solely for “security research” and complied with the fair use standard.

Both Apple and Corellium have not commented on the deal at this time. Have we really reached the end of this story? ????

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