FPÖ – Amesbauer: ÖVP Minister Karner is blind in the left eye and mute when protecting our homeland Liberal Parliament Club

In addition, ORF once again shines in the press hour with a lack of understanding of democracy

Vienna (OTS) “In today’s ORF press hour with ÖVP Interior Minister Karner, ORF domestic policy director Hans Bürger and Anna Thalhammer used a full 15 minutes of profile broadcast time to stage an unparalleled FPÖ bashing. This is once again eloquent testimony that an understanding of democracy has not arrived at Küniglberg,” said the freedom spokesman for NAbg. Hannes Amesbauer.

After this inglorious quarter of an hour, Karner showed that he was blind in his left eye. Because he sees threats from Islamist extremism and the danger of right-wing extremism, including those who refuse to go to the state. However, he does not mention a word of violent left-wing extremism with Antifa and climate terrorists who would not openly profess parliamentarianism. “That must be due to the left-left coalition partner,” said the FPÖ security spokesman.

“But Minister Karner is not only blind in his left eye, he is also silent when it comes to protecting our homeland from illegal migration. Instead of trading, they prefer to fly around the world to look at fences. Karner also reports that among the 110,000 ‘asylum seekers’ last year, 30,000 are said to be ‘economic refugees’. In truth, however, hardly any migrants have arrived here legally”, says Amesbauer and continues: “As long as these illegal immigrants are lured to Austria, are not deported on a large scale and there is talk of ‘irregular migration’, the Minister of the Interior and the ÖVP Chancellors have to hear that they are endangering Austria’s security and abetting violent Islamist crimes.”

“In order to restore Austria’s security, we don’t need black-green chatterboxes, but serious politicians who roll up their shirtsleeves, close the borders to illegal immigrants and put everyone on a plane who abuses our hospitality and doesn’t deserve it. New elections are long overdue, and the damage to our home country is increasing day by day,” emphasized Amesbauer.

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