FPÖ – Amesbauer to Karner: Trying to sell the third highest number of asylum applications since 1958 as a success is outrageous | Freedom Parliamentary Club

2023-11-26 13:14:05

More asylum applications were submitted in September and October 2023 than under Herbert Kickl in the entire year 2018 – “Fortress Austria” is the order of the day

Vienna (OTS) “Around 8,300 asylum applications were recorded in September and almost 9,900 in October. This means that more asylum applications were submitted in just two months under ÖVP Interior Minister Karner than in the entire year of 2018 under Herbert Kickl. And with more than 53,640 asylum applications this year, the ÖVP is responsible for the third highest number since 1958 – and the year is not even over yet . The liberal ‘Fortress Austria’ to stop the ‘new migration’ is the order of the day,” emphasized FPÖ security spokesman NAbg today. Hannes Amesbauer.

“53,640 asylum applications are no reason for Austrians to celebrate. But they are further evidence that the ÖVP continues to open the door to illegal immigration. If the ÖVP really meant well for its own population, it would have long ago agreed to the liberal ‘Fortress Austria’, which includes a 23-point package of measures to protect our homeland from illegal mass immigration,” Amesbauer continued.

“To want to sell 53,640 asylum applications as a success is brazen, shameless and impudent towards one’s own population. But the Austrians are much smarter than Nehammer, Karner and Co. would like, they have long since seen through the ÖVP. Reality belies the ÖVP propaganda and everyone knows that Karner’s border controls are not border protection, but simply a welcome service into the asylum system for illegal immigrants. “There can only be a real change for the better for the Austrians with a liberal federal government under the People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl,” emphasized Amesbauer.

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