FPÖ – Belakowitsch: AK-Anderl shows once again that SPÖ cannot be surpassed in terms of hypocrisy | Liberal Parliament Club

Anderl is in favor of declining unemployment benefits

Vienna (OTS) “In the ORF press hour, the Red Chamber of Labor President once again demanded that she feels less responsible for her own clientele and would rather legalize illegal immigration by opening the job market to asylum seekers as quickly as possible. And that without submitting concrete proposals for literacy and training,” responded the liberal social spokeswoman NAbg. dr Dagmar Belakovich.

For us liberals, the degressive unemployment benefits mentioned by Anderl are out of the question. “It’s amazing how here in the SPÖ board member turns out to be a turncoat. Is that already the first pandering to the neoliberal labor minister to make himself interesting for a future government participation with the ÖVP?” said Belakowitsch.

Anderl also has very little to contribute to the standard retirement age mentioned, nor to the end of the “hackler regulation”. “In return, the Red President is defending the chamber contributions that have increased as a result of profiteering from the crisis, and which she allegedly needs so urgently. You can see the red hypocrisy again, because everyone else should relieve the red Chamber of Labor, so you don’t think about waiving the contribution for small income earners,” the FPÖ social spokeswoman continued.

The demand for a rent freeze was also hypocritical. “The SPÖ in particular manages more apartments than anyone else in Europe. Apart from a few SPÖ bigwigs, the buildings in Vienna with their municipal apartments and subsidized rental apartments are more likely to be inhabited by citizens with low incomes who desperately need a brake on rent costs – but did not get them. On the contrary, all fees in Vienna such as water, canal, garbage disposal and parking are being increased and every last cent is being taken out of people’s pockets – that is real socialism in its purest form!” Belakovich emphasized.

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