FPÖ – Brückl: ÖVP-Green government wastes time on meaningless applications instead of making improvements in the education sector | Liberal Parliament Club

2023-07-06 14:28:43

“Teachers, students and their parents would like to see a good start to school in autumn, but due to the inactivity of the ÖVP Minister of Education, I doubt it!”

Vienna (OTS) – “This application is empty, insubstantial and has absolutely nothing to do with education policy, so I find it incomprehensible why, in times of enormous deficits in the field of education, people are not making better use of the time and finally striving for effective and sustainable improvements”, according to the FPÖ education spokesman NAbg. Hermann Brückl today in the National Council on a motion for a resolution by the two governing parties ÖVP and Greens, with which they call on ÖVP Minister of Education Polaschek to ensure the expansion of measures in the area of ​​energy efficiency and sustainability. From the point of view of the Freedom Party, it is incomprehensible why Parliament and in particular the governing parties ÖVP and Greens must ask the Minister of Education to act with an application “if all the things that are in this application can be implemented by him at any time:” Polaschek just needs to get going and just do it!”

He used an example to explain what such an application is actually worth: “Together with the ÖVP, Greens, SPÖ and NEOS, we asked the Minister of Education in the autumn of last year with a motion for a resolution to have a study drawn up to examine the reasons and motives for the to explore home education. But to date, the Minister of Education has not delivered anything. To date, there are no figures on this.”

“In our education system, there are cracks and creaks in every nook and cranny. The now dramatic shortage of teachers is the result of many problems, mostly caused by the black-green federal government itself. Massive language problems in schools, especially in urban areas, excessive bureaucracy, recreational educators left out in the rain, a lack of support for teachers, a lack of violence prevention and very bad school management during the Corona years and many other construction sites. Not only I, but above all the teachers, the students and their parents would wish for a good start to school in autumn, but due to the inactivity of the ÖVP Minister of Education I doubt it!” Brückl concluded.

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