FPÖ – Schnedlitz: The population pays twice as much for this government’s anti-inflation policy! | Liberal Parliament Club

Austrians not only pay record taxes, but also have to pay off new national debt

Vienna (OTS) The “Agenda Austria” does not give good testimony to the so-called anti-inflation policy of the federal government. According to their calculation, state expenditure would exceed tax revenue by 400 million euros in 2023. The reason for this is that the state has had to spend more money on construction projects, social spending and pensions due to record inflation. The tax revenues would no longer compensate for this. “So we have it in black and white: the local population pays twice as much as a result of this policy. Not only does it have to provide the record tax revenue, it also has to pay off the state’s new debt,” said FPÖ General Secretary NAbg today. Michael Schnedlitz and renewed the liberal demand for a reduction or complete elimination of consumption taxes on energy, fuel and food, as well as real, lived neutrality.

The black-green government has been dabbling about inflation for over a year. People are fobbed off with voucher solutions, the monetary value of which is usually eaten up by inflation before the money ends up in people’s accounts. “Nor does the government’s hand-out policy lead to inflation falling. As a result, the tax burden keeps increasing. The spiral of inflation is thus fueled further and further. The result was record tax revenue of 105.2 billion euros and inflation well above the average for euro countries. Any intelligent person can see that the black-green policy has failed! An immediate rethinking of sanctions and energy policy is needed so that Austria doesn’t continue to hit the wall and be destroyed even more,” said Schnedlitz.

There can only be real relief if taxes on energy, fuel and food are halved or temporarily eliminated altogether. That would reach the citizens immediately and relieve them in the long term. “The federal government’s alms policy is the wrong approach. If black and green don’t see things soon, more and more people will be endangered in their existence by the record price increases. It must not come to that. Therefore, new elections are needed so that the liberal policy of aid for the Austrians is strengthened,” said FPÖ Secretary General NAbg. Michael Schnedlitz is convincing.

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