Freight forwarders: «A foundation to create the Green logistics valley»

Quickly implement the simplified logistics zone in Valpolcevera in Genoa, with the aim of offering support to manufacturing and production and, above all, making the available spaces more attractive to investors. And create a Foundation with public-private participation to start the project, launched some time ago, of a Green Logistic Valley right in the Polcevera area.

Both the request to hurry up for the Zes and the idea of ​​the foundation were launched during the public meeting of Spediporto, the Genoese association of freight forwarders, the most important in Italy for the movement of goods by sea.

The project of a Green logistics valley, a reality that brings together logistics and services, but also cutting-edge manufacturing and agriculture activities in Valpocevera, was relaunched by Andrea Giachero, president of Spediporto. «It is – he explains – an idea that developed a few years ago, developed over time and which we now want to put to the ground, moving from a conceptual design to a factual reality».

Public-private foundation

The objective, he added, is to create «a green bridge, a word that is not accidental given that we are talking about Valpolcevera (where, on 14 August 2018, the collapse of the Morandi viaduct occurred, later replaced by Renzo Piano’s San Giorgio bridge), which combine environmental sustainability, services for the territory but also production activities linked to the port”.

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To give “structure and support” to the Green logistics valley, Giachero highlighted how “it is necessary to identify a legal instrument capable of giving structure and support, which can involve public and private, businesses and territory, industry and manufacturing. There are several possible solutions but the one that seems to us to be the most suitable for this type of project is called a joint foundation.”

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2024-03-23 19:20:53

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