French Interference in Morocco: Unveiling the Deep State’s Attacks and Defamatory Campaigns

2023-07-02 19:58:00

Over the years, the deep state in France has targeted the monarchy in Morocco without success, just as official circles have pointed their guns to attack Moroccan interests wherever they are, in addition to a defamatory campaign by the fierce press that has been going on for years.

France has been burning in recent days after the emotion and anger aroused by the death of Nahel, 17, killed by a police officer in Nanterre on Tuesday June 27. A video broadcast on social networks and authenticated shows one of the two policemen opening fire, hitting the young man in the chest. The sequence of about fifty seconds literally demonstrated the moral and political bankruptcy of France under Emmanuel Macron and all the racism that French society contains.

A return of the pendulum since it is the same France which instrumentalized the death of Mouhcine Fikri, a fishmonger who died in 2016, crushed in the dumpster of a garbage truck, while trying to recover his goods. Eleven people were presented to an examining magistrate, Moroccan justice reacted quickly, while France wanted to make Fikri the new Bouazizi, the Tunisian behind the revolution which drove out President Benali.

Despite the quick reaction of the Moroccan authorities and the rapid response of the Moroccan justice in the investigation of the incident of Mohsen Fikri, the bad intentions in France went to the extreme, and allegations claimed that Morocco had become like a boiling pot under the fire of protests from north to south. France 24, even fabricated scenes and images of trade union parades on May Day, claiming that they were images of demonstrations in Al Hoceïma.

Perhaps the memory of scholars and historians cannot ignore the propaganda of the French media when they sought to turn a fabricated hunger strike by Aminatou Haidar into a matter of public opinion, before the international press discovered that Aminatou Haidar was just an agitator who had not started a hunger strike, but rather had a habit of breaking it by eating in covered places. As for the French media, they have continued to feed fictional stories, seeking to make this woman an African activist, elevated to the rank of Mahatma Gandhi in India. Despite this, the truth about this stireuse has been demonstrated by the Moroccan press.

The French media also tried to portray the short-lived activist Oussama El Khlifi as a Moroccan Che Guevara, but he was caught in the act of attempting to rape a minor. A pseudo-hero becomes a burnt card in the snap of a finger.

Although Morocco has been targeted by several hostile political campaigns, such as the Pegasus affair or human rights cases, Moroccan media have treated the Yellow Vest protests in France with great objectivity, despite the abuses of the police in France, and the arbitrariness of public authorities which went far beyond the methods by which military armies confronted the revolutions of Timisoara in Romania in 1989 or Tiananmen Square in China the same year.

Recently, France plunged into social uprisings against the pension law, which turned into massive public uprisings, which French security faced with extreme violence. Today, France reaps what it sows. The arsonist firefighter who dreamed of turning Morocco into a blazing inferno sees his own house burning everywhere, a lesson for those who brazenly meddle in African affairs.

#France #Bouazizi

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