Fresh Vaccine Initiatives Roll Out in the DRC as Mpox Outbreak Escalates

Doses of the MPOX vaccine are arriving in dribs and drabs in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the heart of the epidemic: 50,000 doses donated by the United States landed in Kinshasa on Tuesday, after 200,000 doses from the European Union arrived in the Congolese capital last week.

The donation of 50,000 doses of monkeypox vaccine (MPOX) from the United States arrived today in the Democratic Republic of Congo, announced in a message on X the United States Ambassador to the DRC, Lucy Tamlyn.

This delivery also contained 15,000 doses of vaccine funded by the Gavi Vaccine Alliance.

On Sunday, around 100,000 doses donated by the European Union arrived at Kinshasa airport. The EU, which had sent the first doses of vaccine to the DRC last Thursday, has sent a total of 200,000 doses since last week.

The Central African country most affected by the virus in the world, the DRC, which now has 265,000 doses of vaccine manufactured by the Danish laboratory Bavarian Nordic, is due to begin its vaccination campaign next month.

The only vaccine approved at this stage in Europe and the United States, this vaccine is only intended for adults.

Trials are currently being conducted for possible use on children over 12 years old. Another vaccine against COPD, used on adults and children, is authorized by Japan, with whom the DRC is in discussions for a possible supply.

Present in 14 African countries

Nearly 22,000 cases of contamination and 716 deaths linked to MPOX have been recorded in the DRC since January, according to the latest figures from the Congolese Public Health Institute responsible for organizing the response to the epidemic.

More than 60% of infections concern children, according to the African Union health agency (Africa CDC), which is coordinating with the World Health Organization (WHO) a continental plan to contain the epidemic with a budget of 600 million dollars over six months.

In Africa, MPOX was present in 14 countries at the end of August, including Burundi (796 cases), Congo-Brazzaville (162 cases) and the Central African Republic (45 cases), according to the Africa CDC.

Some 3.6 million vaccine doses in total for African countries have been secured, according to the AU agency.

Several outbreaks of MPOX are currently underway in central Africa.

But the situation in the DRC has become more complicated with the appearance of the new clade 1b, the dangerousness and contagiousness of which are currently difficult to assess, according to several specialists.

Here are some People⁣ Also Ask (PAA) related questions for the title **”MPOX Vaccine Arrivals ​in the Democratic Republic of Congo: A Step Towards ⁣Containing⁢ the Epidemic”**:

MPOX Vaccine Arrivals in the‍ Democratic ‌Republic of Congo: A⁢ Step⁣ Towards Containing the Epidemic

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the⁣ epicenter of the MPOX epidemic, has finally started receiving doses of the coveted vaccine. The latest shipments include 50,000 doses ‍donated by the United ⁢States, which landed in Kinshasa on Tuesday, and 200,000 doses from the European Union that arrived last week [[1]] [[2]] [[3]]. These deliveries mark a significant milestone in the country’s fight against the virus, which⁣ has claimed over 716 lives and infected nearly 22,000⁣ people since January.

The Vaccination Campaign Takes Off

The‌ DRC is set ​to begin its vaccination campaign next month, ​with a total of 265,000 doses of vaccine manufactured by the Danish laboratory Bavarian Nordic. The vaccine, approved for use ⁢in adults only, is the only one currently authorized in‌ Europe and the United States. Trials are underway to extend its use to⁤ children over 12 years old. Meanwhile, ‌the DRC is also in discussions ‌with Japan​ for a possible supply of another vaccine authorized for‌ use in both adults and children.

A Continental Crisis

The MPOX epidemic is not limited to the‌ DRC; it has ‍spread to 14 African countries, with the African Union health ‌agency⁤ (Africa CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) working together to contain the crisis. The continental response plan has a ‍budget of $600 million over⁢ six months, highlighting the severity of the situation.

A Glimmer of Hope

While the vaccination campaign ‍is a welcome development, it’s essential to acknowledge the challenges ahead. With over 60% ‌of infections affecting children, the‌ need for a pediatric vaccine is pressing. The international community must continue to support ‍the ⁢DRC ⁣and other affected countries in their fight against MPOX.

the arrival of MPOX vaccine doses in the DRC is a significant step⁢ towards containing the epidemic. However, more needs⁢ to be ⁤done to address the scale of the crisis, ⁣including accelerating vaccine development for children and providing sustained support to affected ⁣countries.




What impact will the arrival of MPOX vaccines have on the current outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo?

MPOX Vaccine Arrivals in the Democratic Republic of Congo: A Step Towards Containing the Epidemic

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the epicenter of the MPOX epidemic, has finally started receiving doses of the coveted vaccine.



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