Fruit That Nourishes the Blood: Dragon Fruit, Cherries, Raspberry, Prunes, Ripe Papaya, Raisins, Banana and More!

2023-07-25 03:27:52

4. Dragon fruit

The main nutrients of the dragon fruit in general. It’s protein and fiber. But if anyone wants to focus on nourishing the blood We recommend eating dragon fruit with red flesh. Usually we see dragon fruit with white flesh, right? But if you want to focus on nourishing the blood, as I said, choose Dragon fruit with red flesh. Because the red dragon fruit is rich in iron that is an important part of creating red pickles, sure enough. In addition, the red-fleshed dragon fruit tastes sweeter than the white-fleshed dragon fruit.

5. Cherry

small fruit cherries But there are many benefits. Cherries have a sweet and sour taste. It’s similar to strawberries, so if you want sweet ones, you have to choose red ones. It has a sweeter taste than the reddish-yellow-orange fruit. With a sweet and sour taste, cherries are often used as desserts. Or decorate on desserts such as ice cream or place on cakes. But actually, we recommend eating more fresh cherries. Because most of the cherries that are used to decorate food have already been dyed. May cause deterioration in the kidneys. Benefits in terms of blood maintenance is that cherries are high in potassium. Potassium helps balance sodium in our body. The circulatory system in our body is better enough. Secretly whispered and most importantly, anyone who wants to be white recommends eating cherries. Because cherries help to reduce the production of melanin. It can make the skin whiter.

6. Raspberry

Another fruit in the berry family that helps to nourish the blood. raspberry flavor sweet and sour Popular to make a drink to refresh The red substances in raspberries help in blood circulation to make your skin glow. And most importantly, anyone who is pregnant is recommended to eat raspberries. because raspberry Contains folic acid that helps to increase the fertility of the embryo during pregnancy. It reduces the chance of miscarriage.

7. Prunes

Prunes or dried plums Prunes are nowadays quite easy to find in general department stores. Dried prunes are also available. or concentrated prune juice In prunes, they contain essential iron as we mentioned above that iron helps in the formation of red blood cells and prevents anemia. Therefore, anyone who has problems with anemia is recommended to eat prunes. but must be careful to eat in moderation because of the prune Has a mild laxative effect If you eat too much, it can cause diarrhea.

8. Ripe papaya

Ripe papaya is a fruit that is easily found in markets and general department stores. Or many houses tend to plant them for eating. Because it’s easy to grow, it produces results quickly. Real papayas can be eaten cooked or raw. The raw one, as we see, is often used to make papaya salad. As for eating fresh, it’s more popular to eat cooked because it’s easy to eat. Juicy taste More importantly, eating ripe papaya has more benefits than eating unripe papaya as well. In terms of nourishing the blood, ripe papaya contains iron to build healthy red blood cells and also has a high content of vitamin C to help iron absorption more efficiently. Especially if someone is a mother who just gave birth to a new baby, it is recommended. Because the nutrients in papaya will help relax the nervous system of the mother. Helps to produce better milk

9. Raisins

Raisins or dried grapes, a favorite snack for many people. Because it is easy to spread and delicious. It is often mixed with breakfast cereals for health lovers. Raisins, in addition to being delicious and easy to eat, are also There are benefits in nourishing the blood as well. Because raisins are rich in iron that contributes to the formation of red blood cells. However, raisins, although tasty, useful and easy to eat, are recommended to be eaten in moderation. Because if anyone accidentally eats and enjoys It may make your body weight go up. Because in most raisins there is sugar as an ingredient, so if anyone does not want to gain weight or is a diabetic patient who has to control sugar, choose to eat the type that has less sugar.


Banana may be The color of the fruit is slightly different from other blood nourishing fruits. is not red like his friend But bananas also play a part in nourishing and choosing as well. Because there are many research studies that indicate that Bananas can help reduce the risk of leukemia or leukemia, sure enough. And in addition, bananas also contain magnesium that helps nourish the pale skin to look radiant as well. And of course, there are many varieties of bananas, each of which has different benefits. But if focusing on nourishing the blood, it is recommended to be bananas. Because it has higher iron than other strawberry species

Here are 10 fruits that nourish the blood that if anyone wants to have beautiful and healthy skin, must not miss!!! which each type of fruit we recommend It can be bought in our home market is not difficult at all, right? Plus, some things are also sold at 7-11, and in addition to eating nutritious food, wanting to be healthy for a long time. getting enough sleep And drinking water in the amount of 2-3 liters per day is necessary to do together with it.

And as usual, anyone who feels that the article 10 fruits that nourish the blood, want to have beautiful and healthy skin, don’t miss it!!!Ours is usefuldon’t forget to share Let other friends read it together. or if anyone likes travel articles Our health and beauty can follow and read our other articles at

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