G. Landsbergis: The West must sanction those who contributed to the fate of A. Navalny

“For those who still believe in elections in Russia, the killing of Navalny must be the last signal. The West must not recognize the elections in Russia and sanction the people who contributed to Navalny’s fate,” the minister told BNS on Friday.

The Russian Federal Penitentiary Service announced on Friday that A. Navalnas died in a correctional colony in the Arctic, where he was serving a 19-year prison sentence. He was 47 years old.

Russia’s Investigative Committee said it had opened an investigation into his death.

In the international political arena, Moscow was accused of A.Navalno’s death.

A. Navalnas, the most prominent leader of the Russian opposition, gained immense popularity by criticizing corruption in Russia under the rule of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

He organized massive anti-Kremlin protests until he was arrested in 2021 when he returned to Moscow from Germany, where he was being treated for poisoning with the nerve agent Novichok. He blames the Russian authorities for the poisoning. The latter denies having anything to do with it.

VIDEO: One of the harshest conditions in the world: what was the colony where Alexei Navalny was imprisoned like?

VIDEO: Video of Alexei Navalny the day before his death: healthy and joking

VIDEO: Zelensky: it is obvious that Navalny was killed by Putin

#Landsbergis #West #sanction #contributed #fate #Navalny
2024-05-12 01:21:37

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