G. Nausėda remains the leader in the presidential ratings: I. Vēgėlė competes with I. Šimonyte

According to her data, 25.8 percent of those polled would have voted for him in December, while in January this figure reached 23.5 percent.

Ignas Vēgėlė, a lawyer registered in the presidential elections, remains in second place as an independent candidate. In December, 12.8 percent of those polled wanted to see him in the position of the head of the country, in January – 12.2 percent.

In the third place is the presidential candidate of the ruling Union of the Fatherland-Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD), Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė. In December, 10.4 percent of respondents wanted to see her in the position of president, in January – 10.9 percent.

According to “Spinter research”, G. Nausėda is equally popular among representatives of all socio-demographic groups. I. Vēgėlė receives more sympathy among people with lower and average education, lower and average incomes, district centers and rural residents. I. Šimonytė – on the contrary – among the residents of big cities, respondents with higher education and higher income.

Next in the top five is Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, the leader of the opposition Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP). In December, 6.6 percent of respondents wanted to see her in this position, in January – 8.6 percent.

This survey was conducted when the party had not yet announced that it would not field its candidate in the presidential election. LSDP intends to support the current leader of the country, G. Nausėdas, in the presidential elections.

Next in line is Dainius Žalimas, a lawyer nominated by the ruling Freedom Party, with 4.1 percent. support (3.8 percent in December), MP, chairman of the “Nemunas ausra” party, Remigijus Žemaitaitis, who works in the Mixed group of members of the Seimas, with 3.3 percent. (2 percent in December), the candidate of the opposition Lithuanian Peasants and Greens Union (LVŽS) Aurelijs Veryga with 2.8 percent. (3.5 percent in December).

Included in the list are Zenon Andrulėnas, Giedrim Jeglinskas, Antanas Kandrotas, Andrius Mazuronis, Artūras Paulauskas, Valdemaras Tomaševskis, Valdas Tutkus, Eduardas Vaitkus who scored less than 2 percent. votes of survey participants.

12.2 percent would have voted for another candidate in January. 6.7 percent of those surveyed said they would not vote, and 15.7 percent of respondents chose the answer “don’t know”.

The public opinion survey of the public opinion and market research company “Spinter research” was conducted on January 19-26. During the research, 1012 respondents were interviewed. A combined survey method was applied – by telephone survey and online. The error of the research results is 3.1 percent.

#Nausėda #remains #leader #presidential #ratings #Vēgėlė #competes #Šimonyte
2024-05-13 18:17:43

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