Mitsotakis visits Ankara on Monday in response to President Erdogan’s invitation

Turkey – On Monday, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis will pay an official visit to the Turkish capital, Ankara, in response to the invitation of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Turkish diplomatic sources told Anadolu Agency on Sunday that the Turkish and Greek sides are expected to discuss steps that would raise the volume of trade exchange from about $6 billion to $10 billion within the framework of the common goal between the two countries.

President Erdogan will discuss with his Greek guest ways to continue the simplified entry visa procedures for Turkish citizens to 10 Greek islands that have entered into force since last March 30, namely granting an entry visa upon arrival.

In addition to the political discussions, it is planned that senior businessmen from the two countries will hold a joint meeting under the roof of the newly established “Joint Business Council.”

The meetings aim to continue the joint action plan aimed at developing cooperation in various fields such as economy, transportation, science and technology, agriculture, tourism, health and human relations on the basis of a positive agenda.

During the visit, it is expected to review cooperation in the fields of combating terrorism and irregular migration, in addition to conveying the Turkish position to the Greek side regarding regional and international issues, most notably the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Regarding the agreements expected to be concluded between the two countries, health, disaster and emergency management are at the forefront of the agreements on the agenda of the Greek Prime Minister’s visit to Ankara.

It is also expected that President Erdogan and Prime Minister Mitsotakis will hold a joint conference as part of the visit.

– Turkish-Greek relations are entering a positive development

Turkish-Greek relations took a positive turn with a visit by President Erdogan to Greece on December 7, 2023, on the occasion of the high-level cooperation council between the two countries.

During this visit, the two sides signed the “Athens Declaration on Friendly and Good Neighborly Relations” and agreed, through Ankara and Athens, to develop friendly relations, mutual respect and peaceful coexistence between the two neighboring countries, and to agree to resolve all disputes by peaceful means and in accordance with international law.

Since that visit, the two sides have aimed to provide an environment that enables them to adequately address existing problems by building mutual trust, in accordance with the letter and spirit of the “Athens Declaration.”

The two parties seek to promote the positive agenda by conducting continuous and constructive consultations based on pillars such as “political dialogue” and the “enhanced joint action plan and confidence-building measures.”


#Mitsotakis #visits #Ankara #Monday #response #President #Erdogans #invitation
2024-05-13 18:20:43

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