Gender Exploration Around the World with Nicky Doll: Mexico and Japan Unveiled

2023-09-02 22:09:25

Karl Sanchez, now better known by his stage name Nicky Doll, the famous drag queen, takes us on her journey around the world to meet people who, like her, question gender. Tuesday September 5 we discover two new stages – Mexico and Japan – of these moving, surprising and extravagant adventures, from 21.10 on France 5.

In this authentic and audacious documentary series, Karl alias Nicky Doll, the super host of Drag Race France followed by 800,000 subscribers on Instagram, shakes up our codes and our received ideas. Thanks to her humorous travels, she redraws a more lively, more colorful and more tolerant world of diversity, a world of all possibilities!

India, Greece, Mexico and Japan… The journey to which the drag queen invites us is an opportunity to rediscover the world with fresh eyes thanks to inspiring and exciting personalities, who both embody the transmission of traditions ancestral and reveal to us an infinity of ways of being a man, a woman… or something else!
This week, head to Mexico and Japan to meet those who, like her, question gender around the world.

21.05 Destination Mexico

It seems that Mexico is one of the most “LGBT friendly” states in the world for travelers… So Karl, alias Nicky Doll, wanted to check if it was true! In Juchitan, guided by the bubbly Kika, Nicky meets a unique community in the world, the Muxes, before heading to Yucatan and the small town of Merida to discover the links between Mayan culture and today’s LGBT communities. Accompanied by Iris Valyon, Nicky immerses herself in the enchanting setting of a cenote! In Mexico City, she finds her friend Lolita Banana. The latter then shows her her hometown and the “lucha libre”, national sport in Mexico, before performing together during a “caliente” performance…

21.55 Destination Japan

For Karl alias Nicky Doll, Japan is a legendary passion! Since childhood, Nicky has been a fan of Japanese culture. After discovering Osaka in the company of drag queen-tour guides, Nicky leaves for Kyoto to attend a cross-dressing show in a popular theater. She then meets Kodo Nishimura, better known as the Monk in Stilettos. But Japan’s relationship with LGBT communities is less “friendly” than it seems. At Rainbow Pride in Tokyo, Nicky joins activists in the only G7 country that doesn’t allow gay marriage…

Posted by Diane Ermel on September 02, 2023

#Nickys #Travels #Mexico #Japan

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