Georges-Louis Bouchez (MR) Responds to Potential Alternative Majority in Wallonia-Brussels Federation on Prime Thursday

Georges-Louis Bouchez is calling for the principles he mentioned to be respected. He clarifies, “We do not oppose the creation of a master’s degree.” However, he acknowledges that in a world where money is infinite, he would want a university in every city. The master’s degree in medicine at UMons costs 450,000 euros annually, which is a recurring expense. Bouchez highlights that it is not possible to spend money that one does not have.

Regarding the arguments for bringing the master’s degree in medicine to Mons, Bouchez brushes them aside. In response to claims that it would increase the number of doctors in Hainaut, he emphasizes the need to work on installation aids and to ensure that a graduate student wants to work in the province of Hainaut. On the issue of student welfare, he states that there is work being done to increase success assistance, scholarships, and social assistance provided to universities.

Bouchez clarifies that he is not preventing the creation of a faculty of medicine in Mons but wants to work in the interest of the city. He suggests exploring other avenues for the university’s development rather than duplicating training in different towns. Bouchez highlights the importance of universities specializing and emphasizes that if UMons were to launch a master’s degree that does not exist, it would be a plus for the general interest.

Georges-Louis Bouchez asks for the respect of the principles he mentioned. “We are not against the creation of a master“, he asserts. “In a world of unlimited money, I want to put a university in every city, but we are not in this reality“, he adds. The advanced cost of the master’s degree in medicine at UMons is 450,000 euros. “It is an annual recurring expense“, reacts Georges-Louis Bouchez. “We can’t spend the money we don’t have“, he adds.

The President of the MR brushes aside the arguments of those who defend the arrival of a master’s degree in medicine in Mons. To those who explain that training doctors in Mons will increase the number of doctors in Hainaut, George-Louis Bouchez replies that “installation aids need to be worked on” et “ensure that a graduate student wants to work in the province of Hainaut”.

To those who see in the master’s degree in medicine in Mons easier access to this training for Hainaut students for whom a kot and university studies in Liège or Brussels are expensive, the President of the MR has the answer. “If the issue is student welfare, we are open to continuing in this direction.“, emphasizing the work already accomplished by Minister Glatigny who “has significantly increased assistance for success, scholarships, but also social assistance granted to universities to allow the management of kots for students in difficulty, for food aid, to pay for courses , pay for university textbooks“.

Montois, the President of the MR explains not to have “woke up one morning saying ‘we are going to prevent Mons from having a faculty of medicine“. “I want to work in the interest of my city“, he asserts. But for the development of the university, he suggests other avenues, rather than “duplicate training from town to town“. “It would be important for universities to be able to specialize“, he adds. “If tomorrow, the University of Mons wants to launch a master’s degree that does not exist in terms of artificial intelligence, circular economy, in this case, we have a ‘plus’ for the general interest“, continues Georges-Louis Bouchez.

In conclusion, the debate over the creation of a master’s degree in medicine in Mons continues, with Georges-Louis Bouchez, President of the MR, raising valid points about the financial limitations and the need for specialization in university education. While the issue of student welfare remains important, Bouchez highlights the work being done to support students and urges universities to consider innovative programs such as artificial intelligence and circular economy. As the conversation progresses, it is essential for all parties involved to prioritize the interest of students and the development of quality education.

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