Incredible Accident in Flanders: Car Lands on Truck Below

2023-12-06 22:09:42

A spectacular accident took place in Flanders this Wednesday around 6 p.m. While traveling on a highway, the vehicle missed its turn, crossed a guardrail and fell onto a lower road. In an incredible coincidence, the car landed on the roof of a truck which was parked and therefore stopped on the road located a few meters below.

The driver of the car had to be extricated by firefighters. Seriously injured, he was then taken to Pelt hospital for treatment, according to HBVL.

The truck driver escaped shock but without major injuries.

According to the emergency services, the driver of the car was rather “lucky” to hit the truck several meters below: “the car landed upside down on the truck, which cushioned its fall and then fell onto the road “.

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