Get Saturated with Solar Energy: How to Include Vitamin D in Your Diet

2023-11-23 23:22:03

Include them in your diet and get saturated with “solar” energy

Experts note that vitamin D is the only nutrient our body receives from the sun. But what about in winter, when daylight hours become shorter?

The daily vitamin requirement for an adult is 600 units. For those over 50, this number increases to 1000. Getting vitamin D from food is not an easy task, but anything is possible.

The leaders in the content of this “sunny” substance are salmon, caviar and cheese. It is practically absent in fruits and vegetables. The exception is mushrooms. They contain almost 3 daily vitamin D requirements. Endocrinologist Nadezhda Fetisova told us how to properly combine products to get the maximum benefit from them.

“We must remember that vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. Therefore, fats in food improve the absorption of vitamin D. Very often, people who adhere to a healthy diet begin to exclude fats from their diet: they buy lean meats and fish, and exclude any oils. This is wrong,” the specialist explained.

The palm among dishes in terms of vitamin D content rightfully belongs to salad with cod liver. Just one teaspoon of fish product contains the daily requirement of the substance we need, reports the St. Petersburg TV channel.

It is important to remember that you won’t be able to get enough vitamins for a long time. They do not accumulate in the body. The only way is to eat right. It is necessary to consume natural foods and walk at least 20 minutes a day in the fresh air. Then vitamin D will always be with you, regardless of the time of year.

Previously, we told you which product is considered a vitamin bomb

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