“Get the Latest Weather Forecast and Updates for Egypt: Khamaseen Winds, Sandstorms, and Rain Predictions”

2023-05-21 21:10:00

The Nin’a program, broadcast on the Egyptian TV’s Al-Oula channel, this Sunday evening, presented a detailed report on the weather, according to the forecasts of the Meteorological Authority, warning of the weather in the coming hours.

The photo report highlighted that the Meteorological Authority indicates that the country is exposed to dust and winds that stir sand in areas of the Western Desert, the northern coasts, Lower Egypt and northern Upper Egypt, and it is expected that tomorrow wind activity will witness most parts of the Republic, which will stir sand and dust in the open areas.

And the video report broadcast on the Egyptian TV’s Al-Oula channel continued, that the Meteorological Authority expects that there will be chances of light rain on the northern coasts, southern Sinai, the Red Sea mountain ranges, and northern and southern Upper Egypt.


High Cairo 32 degrees and low 21 degrees

Alexandria high 25 and low 18 degrees

Matrouh has a high of 24 degrees and a low of 19 degrees

Sohag will have a high of 38 degrees and a low of 23 degrees

Qena has a high of 40 degrees and a low of 24 degrees

Aswan, the high will be 42 degrees, and the low will be 25 degrees.

Dr. Manar Ghanem, a member of the Media Center of the Meteorological Authority, confirmed that the Khamaseen winds continue today and tomorrow, and will renew at the end of the week and early next week, noting that the weather will be very hot in the governorates of southern Upper Egypt, reaching 42 degrees, but the weather will be moderate during the night periods. .

Dr. Manar Ghanem, a member of the Meteorological Authority’s media center, added that the high temperatures are expected to continue until next Tuesday, and temperatures will be recorded between 32 and 33 degrees Celsius, appealing to citizens not to be exposed to sunlight directly and to wear masks.

While the Meteorological Authority issued a warning of an attack of the Khamasini depression, accompanied by winds that stir sand and dust, on the Sinai, the northern Red Sea governorate, and the exposed areas of Greater Cairo and Lower Egypt, at intermittent intervals, referring to the weather that we are witnessing from the high temperatures due to our being affected by desert air masses coming from the desert. Western, southwestern air masses with significantly high temperatures, with an air depression in the Western Desert.

#Continuing. #Meteorology #shocked #citizens #storm

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