Ghee: The Natural Superfood for Health and Weight Loss

2023-09-18 12:00:00

Written by – Hossam Al-Shaqwiri Monday, September 18, 2023 03:00 PM

Characterized Ghee The natural thing about artificial ghee is that it is a food that is beneficial to the body, so general nutrition experts advise consuming 20-30 grams of ghee daily to get healthy food, according to what was published by the timesofindia website.

Ghee contains essential fatty acids and antioxidants and is a good source of vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K. Ghee has antioxidant properties that reduce the risk of life-threatening diseases such as heart disease. Ghee strengthens the immune system and can improve the digestion process. It is beneficial for those who suffer from lactose intolerance, helps heal burns and scars, promotes skin health, treats thyroid problems, bone health, and helps with weight loss. Therefore, it should be used naturally, sprinkled on warm dishes, or enjoyed in moderation to reap its comprehensive benefits. It should not be overheated or cooked for a long time. Because heating ghee not only changes its nutritional properties, but may also produce harmful compounds.

There are several differences between butter, ghee, and vegetable ghee

1. Ghee is suitable for frying and cooking at high temperatures. Butter can burn at 177 degrees Celsius, but ghee can withstand up to 252 degrees Celsius. What is meant by the burning or smoking point is “the temperature at which oil or ghee releases smoke and begins to lose its flavor.” Its taste and health benefits.

2.Ghee contains fewer dairy proteins so it is suitable for people who suffer from lactose intolerance or allergies to dairy products.

3. Ghee contains a lower percentage of casein and milk sugar compared to regular butter.

4. Butter contains more saturated fats than ghee, so it can increase cholesterol levels. In addition, butter causes constipation, while ghee relieves constipation, so ghee has better health benefits than butter.

5. Ghee helps lose weight because ghee contains a higher level of conjugated linoleic acid, which works to reduce appetite, increase metabolism, and stimulate the breakdown of body fat.

#Benefits #local #ghee #treats #thyroid #problems #bone #health

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