Golden Dragon Year: Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle & Disease Prevention for 2024

2024-01-09 06:23:54

9 Jan. 2024 – Make this New Year as happy as possible, doctors at Wimut Hospital warn! Don’t forget to check your health – adjust your lifestyle for the new year. Suggest tricks to change yourself into a new person easily and stay away from dangerous diseases near you.

Enter the new year, the year of the Golden Dragon. Many people secretly intend to change themselves. Especially from the perspective of health My goal in life is to take better care of my health. Today, Dr. Warissara Khanacharoen, general practitioner, health center, Wimut Hospital. Revealing a checklist of effective health care and lifestyle modifications that can be easily followed to keep away from serious diseases. We will be healthy and fit for our age. Ready to receive good things in life all year long.

Dr. Warisara Khanacharoen said that “cardiovascular disease” is the number one threat that kills Thai people in 2023, which has been reported by the Ministry of Public Health. It was revealed that in Thailand there are more than 70,000 deaths from cardiovascular disease per year, or an average of 8 deaths per hour.

In this regard, heart and blood vessel disease It is one of the chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) or behavioral diseases that Thai people are increasingly at risk of developing because factors that cause this disease include increasing age. High blood pressure High blood fat, diabetes, having a body mass index (BMI) above the threshold, and smoking, etc. When the doctor finds that the patient has these risks It is recommended to adjust eating habits, rest and exercise regularly. to control weight Fat and sugar levels To return to normal To reduce the risk of NCDs that sometimes do not show clear symptoms. But it can be life-threatening.

“The unfortunate thing is that There are still many Thai people who have never come for a health check. Whether it’s a blood draw, an X-ray, or seeing a doctor to ask about annual health problems. which often Until the disease is detected The symptoms are so severe that they are difficult to treat.”

Have a health check every year – create a healthy lifestyle. Simple tips to stay away from NCDs.

Annual health examinations are very necessary for people of all ages. Not just the elderly Because it is a screening test for diseases that may not yet show symptoms. But the risk can be assessed from blood results, urine results, x-ray results, or ultrasound results. Including finding normality from a physical examination, finding BMI values, and asking about health problems by a doctor. After the health examination The doctor will discuss the test results. Ready to provide useful advice on monitoring future risks. It is considered preventative health care. Which is very important in creating good, sustainable health. “Another tip for checking your health and seeing a doctor is: Providing detailed information to the examining physician, such as congenital diseases and regular medications Family history of illness, smoking, drinking alcohol or abnormalities that have occurred in the past So that doctors can diagnose and treat diseases with accuracy and safety. In addition, if it is found that you have or are at risk of having NCDs such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or high blood fats. Patients need to adjust

lifestyle of living Whether it is moderate intensity exercise such as brisk walking 150 minutes a week, including reducing starchy foods, sugar, high sodium foods, and adding vegetables, whole grains, and low-sugar fruits to meals, etc.”

Look at health examinations that are appropriate according to your age.

For all ages The doctor recommended a blood test to check the completeness of the blood cells. Blood sugar levels, blood lipids, liver-kidney function Urine test and chest x-ray To detect basic abnormalities of the body For women aged 25 years and older, a cervical exam should be combined with a cervical cancer screening every 2-3 years. Women aged 40 years and older should be screened for breast cancer every year. Men aged 40 and over should begin screening for prostate cancer. In addition, men and women aged 45 and over should begin screening for colon cancer. And check again every 10 years, and at age 65 you should start measuring your bone mineral density. To prevent osteoporosis early on

“In addition to annual health checks according to age, Don’t forget to take your children and adults at home to get all necessary vaccinations to build immunity, such as the 4 strains of influenza vaccine that must be repeated every year. Or the vaccine to prevent 9 strains of cervical cancer, which can be injected from the age of 9, because taking care of your health in the New Year is an important gift that we can give to ourselves and our loved ones.”

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