Good relationships with parents keep you healthy in the long term

A long-term study from the USA with more than 10,000 participants confirms this connection. The age of 12 to 17 is a difficult time for many adolescents, write the authors of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in the current paper. It is also often not easy for parents to have enough patience and understanding for young people, who are not only changing rapidly physically. In the long term, however, it pays off to continue to treat the offspring with warmth, to spend as much time as possible together and to keep in touch. This is underscored by the study just published in the specialist magazine “JAMA Network Open”.

The authors advocate targeted health policy interventions. “Efforts to strengthen the relationship between parents and adolescents could be very beneficial to health in the long term,” said Carol A. Ford in a broadcast. The study also emphasizes that such interventions should not only target mothers but also fathers.


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