“Green Algae Cleaning Robot: Revolutionizing Agricultural Water Quality”

2023-05-27 17:21:00


The damage is so serious that the term ‘green algae latte’ has been coined as dark algae grow in reservoirs that supply agricultural water every year.

An ‘green algae cleaning robot’ that effectively removes these algae was developed and put into operation.

KCTV Jeju Broadcasting Reporter Kim Yong-won reports.


It is a water reservoir that can store up to 330,000 tons of water.

We are supplying agricultural water to 120ha of farmland around Yongsu-ri.

However, as various nutrient salts flow in from upstream, damage to algal blooms is increasing.

In midsummer, the reservoir turns green.

Farmers often do not have access to water when it is needed.

[농가 : 아예 수심 10cm도 안 보여요. 물이 필요한데 못 써서 그냥 지하수 열심히 뽑아 썼죠.]

To remove algae, private companies launch boats and boats in reservoirs to spray chemicals.

After sinking the algae floating on the surface of the water, it solidifies in the form of sludge and floats up after a few days.

Then, the control robot moves from place to place and sucks up algae sludge like a vacuum cleaner.

An algal bloom removal project using cutting-edge equipment and new technology was carried out in the water reservoir area.

[임기현 / 방제 로봇 제조업체 실장 : 저수지 위에 살포하면 조류가 마비되고 가라앉게 됩니다. 저수지 바닥에 있던 조류들이 응집한 다음 다시 부상하게 되고 살포 작업이 끝나면 로봇을 통해서 부상한 슬러지들을 다 회수하는 (작업입니다.)]

As a result of last year’s pilot project, the water quality was improved, with the levels of algae, suspended solids, and nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus all falling below standard values.

[송원효 / 한국농어촌공사 제주본부 기반사업부 차장 : 밭농사는 녹조를 선제적으로 관리해야 작물이나 스프링클러 막힘 같은 2차 문제를 대비할 수 있다는 생각이 들어서 저희 농어촌공사 제주본부에서는 육지부에 있는 저수지 수질 관리를 좀 더 철저히 하고 있습니다.]

There are a total of 9 reservoirs in Jeju, and they play an important role as an alternative water resource for groundwater in Jeju, which focuses on field farming.

It is noteworthy whether it will function as a stable source of agricultural water for farmers by managing water quality and pollutants.

This is Kim Yong-won from KCTV News.

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