Green onions.. here’s what it will do to your body after you eat it

Follow – Ali Mualla

Green onions are a vegetable rich in important nutrients for the body. But. Have you heard what will happen to you when you eat green onions? In the following lines, we will give you the answer.

Benefits of eating green onions:

Low blood sugar level

The sulfur present in green onions plays a major role in lowering the level of glucose in the blood, thus lowering the level of sugar in the blood.


Contributes to facilitating and improving the digestive process; As it contains dietary fiber, you can add it to your diet.

Maintains good vision

Green onions contain carotenoids, which helps maintain healthy vision, and is rich in vitamin A, which prevents vision loss.

Prevention of colds and flu

Due to its antibacterial and antiviral properties, it is an excellent medicine to fight viruses and flu, and it also helps reduce excess mucus and fight the winter cold that often makes you feel miserable.


Green onions are an excellent source of sulfur, as well as containing compounds such as allyl sulfide and flavonoids that help prevent cancer and fight enzymes that produce cancer cells.

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