Green tea.. You will not believe what will happen to you after drinking it

Follow-up – Samah Ismail

Green tea is one of the most consumed foodstuffs, and the reason for this is due to its known nutritional benefits, including its ability to get rid of excess fat, and its help in the treatment and prevention of several diseases such as cancer and joint diseases.

But as it has benefits, it has many harms to the health of the body, according to recent studies, including the following:


Green tea affects the absorption of iron and reduces it, so people who suffer from iron deficiency or anemia are advised to avoid drinking it, especially after eating meals.


Green tea is a stimulant, just like coffee. The caffeine in it causes sleep disturbances and insomnia, as well as a state of alertness and awakening. Therefore, it is advised not to drink tea shortly before bedtime.

Reduce calcium absorption:

Calcium is an essential element in the human body, and its deficiency causes many diseases and problems, whether on the bones or teeth. Green tea reduces the body’s absorption of this important element. In case of addiction to drinking green tea, it is necessary to focus on foods rich in calcium to avoid this deficiency.

Effect on digestive and heart health:

Drinking concentrated green tea causes heart disease and digestive problems, so it is preferable not to overdo it to maintain the health of the heart and digestive system.

Liver tissue damage:

Green tea contains a substance called Epigallocatechin gallate at a rate of 10%, which is a toxic substance to the liver, and it would cause damage to the liver tissues if consumed in large quantities, and this substance caused several people to damage the liver when they consumed an extract for weight loss that contained tea extract. the green.

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