Gut-Behrami won the Killington giant slalom – Scheib seventh

2023-11-25 19:08:16

The Swiss prevailed on Saturday at the Ski World Cup in Killington (USA) ahead of half-time leader Alice Robinson (+0.62 seconds) and US local hero Mikaela Shiffrin (+0.81). The fastest Austrian was Julia Scheib in seventh place (+1.84), who achieved her best career result. For Gut-Behrami it was the 39th World Cup success.

Scheib spoke of great joy in the ORF TV interview. “I had a very difficult time in the second run, it was very dark. But I’m very happy with the result,” said the Styrian.

With her best running time, Katharina Liensberger improved by 13 places from 24th to eleventh place (+2.01) and was satisfied. “It certainly felt easier. I wanted to get the skis going and attack. The run was inviting, I was able to do that well. I know there’s definitely a lot more I can do.” The Vorarlberg native added that she now wants to take the good feeling with her into the slalom on Sunday (4 p.m./7 p.m./live ORF 1).

Franziska Gritsch jumped from 30 to 15 (+2.81). “The first round felt like a disaster, I was honestly pretty hot. I then tried to put in the frustration and everything that had been bothering me lately,” she said to improve. Stephanie Brunner came 20th, Ricarda Haaser 26th. For the Tyrolean Haaser it was the first race of the season after a break due to back problems.

Mörzinger (33rd), Katharina Troupe (41st), Michaela Heider (42nd) and Katharina Huber (43rd) did not qualify for the second round; Elisabeth Kappaurer was eliminated.


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#GutBehrami #won #Killington #giant #slalom #Scheib #seventh

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