Habits that I do to maintain the health of the kidneys.. the most prominent of which is reducing salt in your food

There are various causes that lead to infection kidney disease Or the deterioration of existing kidney diseases, and factors related to lifestyle are one of the most important reasons, and according to studies, adherence to a healthy lifestyle is largely associated with a low rate of negative results, and there are habits that you must do to maintain kidney health, according to the site “Health“.

Habits you must do to maintain kidney health

Weight loss

can lead Obesity It directly damages the kidneys, and it also leads to diabetes, blood pressure, high lipids, insulin resistance, and heart dysfunction, all of which lead to accelerating various kidney damages.

Treating obesity through diet modification and regular exercise helps in the primary and secondary prevention of kidney disease.

Reduce salt intake

Most ready-to-eat and packaged food items are full of salt. High salt has a severe negative effect on kidney function and increases blood pressure.

Older people, obese people and Indians are more sensitive to it. High salt reduces the effect of other preventive medications as well.

Various studies have shown that salt restriction is beneficial in reducing kidney, heart and brain problems even in those who have normal blood pressure and do not have diabetes.

Quit Smoking

Smoking doubles the rate of kidney deterioration. Smoking is a powerful constrictor of blood vessels and thus increases blood pressure. It can cause direct damage to the heart and blood vessels, which in turn increases the incidence of heart attacks and strokes. Smoking is responsible for many types of cancer in the body.

Cigarettes contain more than 400 toxic chemicals like tar, arsenic, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, etc. Nicotine is highly addictive. Almost all organs and functions of the body are negatively affected by smoking.

Physical activity

Inactivity is responsible for increasing the number and doses of medications as well as treatment failure. Regular physical activity is beneficial for all age groups.

There is no substitute for a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate activity 5 or more days per week or 20 minutes of vigorous activity 3 or more times per week.

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