Half of the face is gone, the chest sticks out: what happened to the unrecognizable Loboda

Julia Raevskaya

36 minutes ago

Svetlana Loboda

A year ago, Svetlana Loboda left Russia. Since then, a lot of things have happened to the singer that seriously affected her.

In our country, the performer of the Superstar hit had the opportunity to earn fabulous fees. There were practically no concerts to which this singer of Ukrainian origin was not invited. Until February 24, 2022, Loboda mainly lived and worked in Russia.

A year ago, everything changed. Svetlana not only publicly condemned the SVO in Ukraine, but also gave a number of resonant interviews. In our country, all doors were closed for Loboda, so she finally remembered her roots, began to speak Ukrainian from time to time and does not forget to constantly talk about her love for Nezalezhnaya.

Meanwhile, Svetlana’s appearance leaves much to be desired. And although they used to say about her that she was far from beautiful with her seductive forms, now the fresh photos of the star are not at all like her previous pictures. So, in a personal blog on Telegram, Loboda published a frame in which half of her face is hidden by hair so that only its left side is visible. The same thing happened with Svetlana’s neckline: disheveled curls slightly covered the bust on the right, but one breast was so flattened that it seemed to be about to jump out of the jacket. Previously, Loboda, according to some fans, exhibited more aesthetic photos.

Svetlana Loboda

However, it is worth paying tribute to Svetlana, she has been working a lot lately. After all, in the absence of Russian concerts, the singer has to use every opportunity to get money. So, only recently Loboda finished working on a new album.

“Today is the first day off in a couple of months. I try to relax, although I don’t know how to do it at all. It seems to me that if you are in love with your work, you simply do not need days off. New cities and concerts coming soon! A tour of Germany, Israel, Baku, Vienna, Prague has been waiting for us for a long time … In the meantime, the editing of the video and the final stage of the album delivery. If you knew how much I want to share it with you! <…> Every time, after big projects, I want privacy. The new album is delivered, the video is delivered, sleepless nights are over, it’s time to breathe fresh air and go on tour. I’ll be busy preparing new numbers for now!” Loboda wrote earlier.

Source: Telegram

Photo source: Telegram, Global Look Press/Anatoly Lomokhov

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