Han Hye-jin “I bought a couple item but broke up… Bad XX, eat well and live well”

Han Hye-jin YouTube video capture

Model Han Hye-jin mentioned her ex-girlfriend.

Han Hye-jin posted a video on her YouTube channel on the 2nd of ‘Han Hye-jin, who lives alone, from the bedroom to the bathroom’.

In the video, Han Hye-jin drew attention by revealing every corner of the house, starting with the living room.

In particular, while introducing the dressing room, Han Hye-jin took out a red hat with rabbit ears and wrote, “My favorite hat.” She continued, “It’s not really funny,” she said. “I bought two of these to be a couple, but they broke up.” She also pulled out a navy hat of the same shape.

After that, Han Hye-jin threw the hat and said, “Bad XX, eat well and live well.”

Han Hye-jin also complained about her dressing room, saying, “I couldn’t organize my clothes because of my castle.” “The room is spitting out clothes.”

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