He allowed his son to leave school to play Fortnite: he won half a million dollars

Competitive video games (esports) have become not only a great form of entertainment, but also a way of life. That is why many young people are already dedicating themselves to this profession, earning a large amount of money for it.

However, not all parents are willing to allow their minors to drop out of school to be part of this career. But there are outstanding cases in which the bet is far exceeded and it is the mother who determined the path.

From school to professional Fortnite

Benjy David Fish, better known as ‘benjyfishy‘ debuted at the age of 15 in the professional world of Fortnite.

His first tournament was for him, winning up to 11 thousand dollars in a single opportunity, something that was well appreciated by his mother. She, however, had to make a decision: let him exploit this potential and dedicate himself fully to playing or continue with his conventional life.

On the condition that the classes he would miss he would take with home tutors, Benjy began his full-time career in video games.

From 2019 to 2022, the player has earned $570,000, including a qualification to the World Championship of Fortnite what distributed 30 million dollars in prizes. With it he bought a property for the family.

Anne Fish, his mother, has written two books about her son’s journey in this world.

Her future

Unfortunately for their interests, the competitive model of Fortnite backed down with the pandemic, causing the player to have to quit this game.

“I fell in love with Fortnite, I used to play it eight to 10 hours a day, but even last season I only played during tournaments,” Benjy said when announcing his move. “The reason I wanted to be a professional gamer was to have a job that I liked, so right now it seems useless to continue with something that I don’t like.”

Benjyfishy is a player of the Czech team Enterprise Esports for Valuing. With over 3.9 million followers on Twitch, he has also become a dedicated streamer, earning extra money from different competitions.

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