He did 100 burpees a day for a month, see how it changed his physique

2023-09-14 14:30:28

September: schoolchildren return to the path of knowledge, the leaves of the trees gradually turn yellow, the sports halls are repopulated, but above all…

Fitness challenges are raining down on social media!

Not all of them are good, but some still have the merit of inspiring and initiating the desire to transform a lifestyle that has become too sedentary.

If this is your case, you can take part in our sheathing challenge or continue reading the following…

Laurie Shaw leads the way

Beyond his angelic face, Laurie Shaw is a man of challenge and a sports enthusiast.

He documents and recounts his adventures on his YouTube channel and recently, we were able to see him carry out a little tête-à-tête with the exercise hated by your favorite influencer: burpees!

The context is simple: Laurie is traveling with a friend and no access to the gym.

He doesn’t want to gain weight or lose muscle during these 30 daysso he relies on what many consider to be the best bodyweight exercise, the terrible burpees.

A burpee, as the YouTuber explains at the start of the video, consists of dynamically moving from a standing position to a push-up position, then getting up to finish with a jump.

According to him, it’s a good mix of muscular and aerobic work, not to mention the mental challenge to get to the end.

To measure progress at the end of the month, 3 “tools”:

a video take of the physique on day 1 before “the pump” (the congestion due to exercise), the same thing after the congestion, the time established on 100 burpees.

On the first day, Laurie takes 10:40′ to do her 100 burpees (12:03′ for her colleague), and you?

Here are the 3 keys that Laurie takes away from this challenge…

Read also: -3 kg in one month with the skipping rope thanks to this challenge

Don’t expect day-to-day improvement

There will be days with and days without, which can be explained by the fact that there is no real recovery day.

As the challenge progresses, it becomes more and more difficult for the partners to force themselves to complete the 100 daily repetitions…

In this, it is more of a mental challenge than a physical one (at least for him who is already sporty and sharp).

The lesson: eat the frog first! If something is difficult to do, you should make it your first goal of the day. If you take on this type of challenge, make sure you do it first thing in the morning. The longer the day passes, the less inclined you are to do it…

Burpees don’t get any easier…

It doesn’t feel like it’s going easier

The protagonist explains, it becomes easier in the sense that it is now a habit anchored in his day (allow two full weeks for this to be the case for you).

That being said, the repetitions themselves of the exercise don’t make it any easier and that’s the wonderful thing about this exercise.

Yes the body adapts, yes we become more efficient, but the burpee remains a nightmare!

Laurie explains it by the fact that he becomes faster, stronger, but as a result, he pushes the intensity more and more!

The key is regularity!

It’s from a boat…but how true is it!

“Show up everyday” is what will make all the difference in the approach and in the mentality.

Finding excuses (saying you’re too tired, it’s too late, etc.) and missing workouts on a regular basis will make the next session even harder.

Being diligent and disciplined means benefiting from a certain inertia!

Laurie finishes in advising to surround yourself with someone to increase motivation and the chances of success.

The results !

Photo Credit: YouTube Laurie Shaw

It’s finally the long-awaited time to see if this challenge has allowed them to be fitter and not gain weight.

And at shooting proves to the advantage of the challengenote that it’s not the same brightness nor the same contrast and that the hairs fell out between the two shots.

However, we must admit that there was, apparently, no weight gain (-1.2 kg on the scale), but we are missing data to attribute this success to burpees, Laurie’s diet during these 30 days.

Furthermore, it is not in just one month that you drastically lose your muscle mass.

Performance side

On day 30, Laurie is finally able to complete 100 burpees in 7 minutes (with great execution to boot)!

His compatriot is at 7’47 and shows considerable progress.

Regardless of the results, this shows that we can be far away from everything and give yourself the means to stay in shape!

If this guy can do it while traveling halfway around the world, what’s stopping you?

Beyond aesthetic criteria, 10 minutes of cardio a day is enough to do a lot for your health…do you like fitness snacking?

To go further, we recommend: Here’s what will happen to your body if you do 100 burpees a day for 30 days

Updated by Quentin on: 09/14/2023

Nos articles cardio

#burpees #day #month #changed #physique

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