He gets tired of paying for a new Call of Duty every year and spends months recreating his maps in Fortnite. and in first person

Although the Battle Royales They are no longer the madness that they were a few years ago, the reality is that they are still very present in the video game industry. Warzone 2 and Fortnite continue to reign. While Activision makes some criticized decisions with Warzone, Epic Games is working, according to The Gamer in the next revolution of Fortnite: the mode official first person for battle royale.

As of this writing, first person battle royale mode is achieved through bugs and convoluted methods. There are no official modes. Some creators like Javanese Mist they’ve gotten tired of waiting (and Call of Duty) and are working on their own versions… with unbelievably good results. Share your video the user Jake Lucky a Twitter.

Translator: This guy got so sick of paying $60 every year for Call of Duty that he spent 2 months recreating his maps in Fortnite Creative. Here’s first person Fortnite on Rust and Shipment…

Epic Games and its plans for Fortnite: the first-person camera

It is VERY unlikely that there is a collaboration between Call of Duty y Fortnitebut the first person camera it is a much closer reality than many people expect, according to rumors and dataminers. The user @ChinaBR He published a tweet in which you can see what Fortnite Battle Royale looks like in the first person.

Translation: In today’s update, Epic Games have added new files for a first-person mode in Battle Royale. (Thanks to @AyeTSG for teaching me this)

Also, the user Bilal (@Gh0st1Knight) added an image of the game’s internal files revealing that Epic Games may be working on it to introduce it in future updates. The company has not commented on the matter.

Finally, Epic Games would also be looking at a new game mode or event called “Most Wanted” o “most wantedWe don’t know much more about it, but the introduction of first person in Fortnite, coupled with no-build modes, could attract a lot of disgruntled fans from other games and long-time players.

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