He kidnapped and raped an 11-year-old girl.

After a year of abuse, the subject talked with an aunt to lend him a room to take the girl.

Officials from the Santa Bárbara de Barinas Municipal Delegation arrested M. Mujica Méndez (29), in the town of Ave Grande, Santa Bárbara parish, Barinas state, for having sexually abused an 11-year-old girl and then kidnapped her.

The perpetrator was a worker on a farm owned by the minor’s grandmother. After the investigations, it was learned that since the girl was 10 years old, she was the victim of constant sexual abuse by this man, after a year she planned to kidnap her.

Mujica talked with an aunt to lend him a room to take the girl. In that house, the subject kept her captive from April 26 to May 8, where she continued to sexually abuse her, under the knowledge of her aunt.

At the time of the arrest of the aforementioned, an Empire Owen was recovered, without a license plate, used to kidnap the victim.

The case was placed under the order of the Ninth Prosecutor of the Public Ministry of the state of Barinas for legal processing, while the girl will remain under the observation of the Council for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, to receive psychological help.

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