He killed the father of a police officer for resisting a robbery

The 80-year-old man received multiple stab wounds.

A commission from the Criminal Investigation Service (Sipez) of the Zulia State Police Corps (Cpez) captured alias “El Mona”, for murdering Ramón Antonio Glosgow, the 80-year-old father of a commissioner from this institution, for opposing a Stole.

The crime was recorded in the Pomona sector of the Cristo de Aranza parish in the Maracaibo municipality, at night.

Once the officers learned of the homicide, they began the investigations, which after much diligence led them to the Simón Bolívar peripheral market, in the heart of Maracaibo, where they located alias “La Mona” who still had traces of blood on his shoes and stockings.

The murderer had hidden the weapon in an abandoned structure, as well as the shirt he had on at the time of the accident, he left it at his mother’s house, and went to work as a forklift driver in the center thinking he had the perfect alibi.

The case remained in the police headquarters at the disposal of the Prosecutor’s Office 11 of the Public Ministry.

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