He knocks out a lamppost with his pick-up, puts it back in place and leaves as if nothing had happened

Oh the ball… In wanting to maneuver to turn around, the driver of this company pick-up misses. He certainly thinks he can steer hard enough to pass, but he doesn’t.

He then climbs onto the sidewalk in the middle of an intersection and comes to hang a lamppost with the ladder installed on its roof. The shock is not violent, but the pylon bends under the force of the impact combined with the insistence of the pick-up.

Finally, after connecting a few neurons, he understands that a reverse gear is better to get out of there. Only then, the two occupants of the pick-up find themselves with a Leaning Tower version lamppost and no visible witnesses.

So they decide to put it back in place, by hand, neither seen nor known. Bad luck for them, the whole scene is filmed by a security camera…

For discretion, we will go back

We have already seen more discreet vandals. Of course, all this hanging is not voluntary and the two men had the “kindness” to put the lamppost back in place, but all the same, we are not on the sharpest knives in the drawer…

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