Health: 44,000 visitors to the online platform for mental health and addiction treatment within 5 months

The Ministry of Health and Population continues to provide mental health services through the online platform for mental health and addiction treatment, which was launched on March 16, 2022.

This comes within the framework of the efforts of the Ministry of Health and Population to provide psychological support services, psychological counseling and addiction treatment, as well as educating citizens on how to obtain medical advice for mental health care, through the electronic platform.

Hossam Abdel Ghaffar, the official spokesman for the Ministry of Health and Population, explained that, according to the statistics of the General Secretariat for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment, the number of visitors to the platform, since its launch, reached 44,105, while the number of electronic questionnaire forms that were conducted by users reached 16,318 questionnaires, while The number of “virtual” treatment sessions that were provided to the platform’s visitors reached 2797.

For her part, Dr. Manen Abdel Maqsoud, Secretary-General of the Secretariat of Mental Health and Addiction Treatment, said that the percentage of female users reached 75% compared to 25% of males, adding that 30% of the platform’s visitors were married, compared to 70% of the unmarried.

Menen confirmed that the most age groups used the site ranged between 15 to 20 years, while the percentage of non-working users was 67%, compared to 33% of workers, adding that the site’s users were from all governorates, but most of them were from Cairo.

She stated that the national electronic platform for mental health and addiction treatment aims to provide free services for mental health and addiction treatment, for all age groups of Egyptians and non-Egyptians residing on the land of Egypt, explaining that the platform is the first of its kind in the Eastern Mediterranean Region.

Menen pointed out that the electronic platform is one of the fruits of cooperation between the General Secretariat for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment, the National Information Center at the Ministry of Health and Population, the World Health Organization, and the University of British Columbia in Canada. Psychologists and international experts in the field of psychiatry and addiction treatment.

Dr. Manen Abdel-Maqsoud noted the importance of psychological safety in realizing the capabilities and capabilities, and dealing with the natural pressures of life and work in a productive manner, calling on all citizens to visit the platform and benefit from the various services provided by the General Secretariat for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment via the following link:

It is noteworthy that the statistical results indicated that the most inquiries received by the Observatory, during the month of August, revolved around how to talk to a psychiatrist, indicators of mental illness, stages and mechanisms of addiction treatment, the most common diseases among the elderly, children and adolescents, and mechanisms for dealing with life trauma. Teen.

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