Health and well-being of women at work

2023-04-19 22:00:00

N° 537



Registered at the Presidency of the Senate on April 18, 2023


aiming To improve et to guarantee the health et the welfare of the women au work,


By Mrs Hélène CONWAY-MOURET, Laurence ROSSIGNOL, MM. Patrick KANNER, Hussein BOURGI, Mrs. Isabelle BRIQUET, Martine FILLEUL, Victoire JASMIN, Marie-Pierre de LA GONTRIE, Michelle MEUNIER, Marie-Pierre MONIER, Sylvie ROBERT, Sabine VAN HEGHE, M. Maurice ANTISTE, Mrs. Viviane ARTIGALAS, MM. David ASSOULINE, Joël BIGOT, Mrs Florence BLATRIX CONTAT, Nicole BONNEFOY, MM. Denis BOUAD, Rémi CARDON, Mrs. Marie-Arlette CARLOTTI, M. Yan CHANTREL, Mrs. Catherine CONCONNE, MM. Thierry COZIC, Gilbert-Luc DEVINAZ, Jérôme DURAIN, Vincent ÉBLÉ, Mrs. Frédérique ESPAGNAC, M. Rémi FÉRAUD, Mrs. Corinne FÉRET, MM. Jean-Luc FICHET, Hervé GILLÉ, Mrs. Laurence HARRIBEY, MM. Jean-Michel HOULLEGATTE, Olivier JACQUIN, Éric JEANSANNETAS, Patrice JOLY, Bernard JOMIER, Mme Gisèle JOURDA, MM. Éric KERROUCHE, Jean-Yves LECONTE, Mrs. Annie LE HOUEROU, Mr. Jean-Jacques LOZACH, Mrs. Monique LUBIN, MM. Victorin LUREL, Jacques-Bernard MAGNER, Didier MARIE, Serge MÉRILLOU, Jean-Jacques MICHAU, Franck MONTAUGÉ, Sebastien PLA, Mrs Émilienne POUMIROL, Angèle PRÉVILLE, MM. Claude RAYNAL, Christian REDON-SARRAZY, Gilbert ROGER, Lucien STANZIONE, Jean-Pierre SUEUR, Rachid TEMAL, Jean-Claude TISSOT, Jean-Marc TODESCHINI, Mickaël VALLET, André VALLINI and Yannick VAUGRENARD,


(Sent to committee social affairssubject to the possible constitution of a special committee under the conditions provided for by the Rules.)

#Health #wellbeing #women #work

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