Health considerations that make male frankincense a very dangerous threat to health and the side effects on the body from excessive consumption

<a data-ail="2566365" target="_self" href="" >Health</a> considerations that make male frankincense a very dangerous threat to <a data-ail="2566365" target="_self" href="" >health</a> and the side effects on the body from excessive consumption – educate me

The most important harms of male gumThe male frankincense is a dry sap from the roots of some trees, where it has a fragrant and fragrant smell similar to musk. These trees grow in many countries, the most important of which are Yemen, Oman, African countries and others. When this frankincense burns, it becomes like incense. It is used in weddings and some other happy occasions. Male frankincense has many benefits, although it bears damage to the kidneys and health in general.

The most important effects of male gum on the digestive system and blood fluidity

Male frankincense is like many types of natural substances that carry harm and even risks for some people who have specific health conditions, and excessive consumption and use of it has harmful side effects on the body, regardless of its health condition, even if it does not suffer from exceptional or special health conditions, only Balanced use of male gum is what guarantees its benefits and avoids its harm to humans, and here are some of the side effects of male gum:
• When male gum is used excessively, it can lead to disorders and pain in the entire digestive system, starting from the stomach and extending to all the intestines, those violent disorders that result in severe pain, including nausea, heartburn and the annoying feeling of fullness.
• It is possible that earrings in eating male gum increase the fluidity of the blood and thus increase the possibility of abnormal bleeding, and some studies have proven that one cup of male gum is a source of concern for some people with bleeding disorders.

The harm of male frankincense for allergy sufferers, pregnant and lactating women

• It is possible for a person to suffer from an allergy to male gum, but being allergic to male gum is a rare damage, but it includes some symptoms such as rash, difficulty breathing, tightness, severe chest pain and throat pain.
• Male gum can have an impact on pregnant and breastfeeding women, but there are no studies that confirm this, but it is better to stay away from eating male gum during pregnancy and breastfeeding because there are no problems.

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