Health: drinking two beers a day would age your brain by ten years, according to a study

par Rino Gallo

According to American researchers, your alcohol consumption, no matter how low, could cause significant damage to your brain. Max tells you more!

We grant you, it is not always easy to resist a glass of wine or a cocktail when you go out with friends… But hey, according to a recent American study, published in the journal Nature Communication and pinned by Slatelow daily alcohol consumption (i.e. two glasses of wine a day) could cause significant structural damage to the brain and loss of brain volume.

To obtain this result, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania examined the brain MRIs of 36,678 patients. It has thus been demonstrated that only one to two units of alcohol consumed per day would reduce the overall volume of the brain and gray matter.

Up to 10 years of brain aging…

Scientists also specify that a pint, a bottle of beer, cider or a glass of wine each represent two units. A person drinking four units a day could therefore experience up to ten years of brain aging. “There is evidence that the effect of alcohol consumption on the brain is exponential. However, heavy drinking is worse for the brain, but we haven’t looked at that closely yet.”says Rémi Daviet, one of the authors of the American study.

And Henry Kranzler, researcher in psychiatry, to specify: The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism recommends that women consume no more than one drink per day, and double that for men, an amount that exceeds the level of consumption associated in our study with decreased brain volume. »

In short, it is better to be reasonable and continue to drink alcohol in moderation…

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