“Health Net” fight against skin snakes!Nutritionist: B complex helps nerve repair-Lohas Diet-Free Health Network

Ma Fengyin said that taking vitamin B group can speed up the wound and nerve repair of skin snakes, and it can also be eaten when the immunity is weakened. (picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Herpes zoster, commonly known as skin snake, has common symptoms such as skin rash and severe pain. In this regard, nutritionist Ma Fengyin said that there are two stages of diet for skin snakes. The first is the disease stage, and irritating foods should be avoided, and vitamin B complex should be supplemented to speed up wound and nerve repair. The second is the prevention period, eat more vegetables and fruits, also supplement B complex, and eat natural foods containing zinc, such as beef, pork, eggs, etc.

Ma Fengyin’s Facebook page“Mature Health Care Expert – Ma Fengyin Nutritionist”The article pointed out that autumn and winter are the seasons for skin snakes. As long as you have chickenpox, the virus will lie dormant in your body. When you have poor immunity, overwork, and stay up late to sleep, the sleeping snake is easily awakened and climbs along the nerves. It spread to the ganglia of the lumbar spine, face, head and neck, arms, and even legs, accompanied by severe pain and tormented bit by bit.

Dealing with the skin snake diet phase 2

●Illness period:

1. Avoid spicy, alcoholic, barbecued and fried foods.

2. Eating vitamin B complex can accelerate wound and nerve repair.

●Prevention period (to avoid recurrence):

1. Reduce high-fat and high-sugar diet: avoid inflammation caused by glycation.

2. Eat more fruits and vegetables: eat a variety of colored vegetables and a moderate amount of fruits, phytochemicals can be anti-oxidant.

3. Supplement probiotics: The intestinal tract is the center of the immune system. Probiotics can not only repair the intestinal mucosal barrier, improve intestinal leakage, but also prevent bacteria, viruses and toxins from entering the blood, triggering a series of immune reactions.

4. Supplement vitamin B group: When the pressure is high and the spirit is tense, the loss of B group will be accelerated, and the immunity will also deteriorate. If you have these conditions in the near future, you can supplement it appropriately.

5. Mineral Zinc: Zinc can help the integrity of skin and mucous membrane tissue. Enough zinc in the body can help the body resist foreign germs. Natural foods such as oysters, beef, pork, eggs, etc.

Ma Fengyin appealed that the most important thing is to get enough sleep and reduce staying up late. As long as you sleep well, eat a balanced diet, and exercise moderately, you will be less likely to suffer from physical diseases.

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