“Health Net” The proportion of children infected with parainfluenza is increasing. Doctors: No special medicine, wash your hands frequently and pay attention to hygiene- Instant News- Free Health Network

The doctor said that the incubation period of parainfluenza is about 2-7 days, and the symptoms are similar to milder flu, including fever, cough, and runny nose; the picture shows the situation. (picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]The weather has changed a lot recently. If you don’t keep warm, you will easily catch a cold. Wu Hanmeng, the attending physician of Hexin Minquan Pediatric Clinic, said that the number of younger patients in outpatient clinics has increased recently, and most of them have respiratory symptoms, especially the increased proportion of parainfluenza infection. He reminded that there is currently no specific medicine for parainfluenza. Supportive therapy is adopted, so it is recommended to wash hands frequently, pay attention to hygiene, and give vaccinations on time to enhance the body’s resistance.

Wu Hanmeng’s Facebook fan page “Doctor A Bao will accompany you to raise your baby bag – Dr. Wu Hanmeng of Pediatrics“The article stated that parainfluenza is caused by parainfluenza virus (RNA virus), which is a respiratory disease. The symptoms are similar to influenza, but not as severe as influenza. In addition, parainfluenza viruses are also the most common causative agents of croup.

Wu Hanmeng explained that the incubation period of parainfluenza is about 2-7 days, and the symptoms are similar to milder flu, including fever, cough, and runny nose. In severe cases, it will cause croup, the throat will be blocked, causing the sound of whistling, hoarseness and wheezing .

Wu Hanmeng reminded that the high-risk group that is susceptible to infection is infants and young children under the age of 5. There are four serotypes of parainfluenza virus. Types 1 and 2 often cause croup, while type 3 can easily cause bronchitis and pneumonia.

Wu Hanmeng said that there is currently no specific medicine for parainfluenza. Supportive treatment and influenza vaccination cannot prevent parainfluenza because the two viruses are different. It is recommended to wash your hands frequently, pay attention to hygiene, and take vaccinations on time to strengthen your body. Resistance, it is better to fight the virus when infected.

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