Health Network》Can fruit seeds be eaten?Dietitian: Beware of “these” bites are poisonous – LOHAS Diet – Free Health Network

The seeds of some fruits contain chemical ingredients. If you bite the core, you may eat substances that are harmful to the human body, such as apple core and peach core. (Picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]You must have heard when you were a child that if you swallow fruit seeds, fruit trees will grow in your stomach. Although later you know that fruit trees will not grow in your stomach, are fruit seeds poisonous? In this regard, nutritionist Li Wanping posted on the Facebook fan page “Li Wanping nutritionist“andpersonal websiteHe said that eating some fruits together with the seeds can promote gastrointestinal motility and help defecation, but some fruit seeds, such as apple and peach seeds, will eat harmful substances if you bite the seed core.

Seeds and skins can be eaten – pineapple, guava, grapes

Li Wanping said that the seeds of many fruits are rich in fiber, such as pineapple, guava and grapes. The location of the pineapple core refers to the stem of the pineapple, which is often cut off because of its roughness and poor taste, but the pineapple core is the place with a lot of pineapple enzymes. The seeds and skins of guava and grapes can be eaten. They are rich in dietary fiber, which can help gastrointestinal motility, increase the volume of stool, and make the body’s detoxification work smoother.

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Seed core can not eat – apple, peach

So what kind of fruit seeds can’t be eaten? Li Wanping pointed out that it is not recommended to eat apple cores and peach cores. Seeds are born from the reproduction of plants. Therefore, in order to protect themselves and resist the harm of the outside world, some seeds contain chemical components. If you bite the core, you may eat substances that are harmful to the human body.

Li Wanping said that although apple cores and peach cores cannot be eaten, the pulp around the fruit seeds can be eaten. Because of the isolation of the seed shell, it will not affect the pulp and can be eaten with confidence.

The seeds can be eaten, the skins cannot be eaten – diced willow, orange, grapefruit, lemon, watermelon

Li Wanping pointed out that the seeds of willow, orange, grapefruit, lemon or watermelon can be eaten, and the peel of the fruit will be peeled off and peeled off, but these are natural raw materials without additives, so it is recommended to make the best use of them. , lemon peel can be used to deodorize, and even to extract essential oils.

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