Health Network” “Grass Mud Horse” defeats Wufei?Japanese study: Alpaca antibodies can inhibit all mutant strains – Xinhua

In a Japanese study, a neutralizing antibody was extracted from alpaca. This antibody can inhibit the virus when it is infected with Wuhan pneumonia, and can neutralize all variants of the virus that have been found so far; the picture is a situation photo. (Picture taken from pexels)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]For more than two years since the outbreak of Wuhan pneumonia (new coronavirus disease, COVID-19), there have been waves of mutant strains, and according to “Asahi Shimbun” reported that Kyoto University and other research teams announced on the 14th of this month that they successfully extracted a neutralizing antibody from “alpacas” (also known as grass mud horses), which can inhibit the virus when infected with Wuhan pneumonia. Its molecular size is 1/10 of that of human antibodies, and it can neutralize all variants of the virus that have been found so far. It is hoped that the research results will be put into practical application as soon as possible. The research was published in “nature》(Nature)。

Akashi Takazuri, a professor at Kyoto University, said that the neutralizing antibody discovered this time is an antibody produced by injecting alpacas with the spike protein in the Wuhan pneumonia virus, which triggers an immune system response. Human antibodies stick to the surface of the virus, but alpaca antibodies can penetrate deep grooves in the spike protein that protrudes on the surface of the virus. Since there is little variation in the cell lining that penetrates the immune system, it is expected that all coronaviruses, including the Omicron strain, will be able to fight.

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Akashi Takazuru said that their goal is to develop the neutralizing antibody discovered this time into an inhaled therapeutic drug. At this stage, mice are used as experiments to inhale the neutralizing antibody once a day. It has been confirmed that no matter common virus strains, Delta and Omicron strains, are effective against.

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