Health Network” Intermittent fasting patients diagnosed with mild symptoms?Study: It only works if you practice it for a long time

Experts emphasize that intermittent fasting has nothing to do with the diagnosis and cannot be regarded as a substitute for vaccines. (Picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Have you tried intermittent fasting? According to foreign media “Science Daily“(Science daily) reported that a study pointed out that some people who were on intermittent fasting were diagnosed with Wuhan pneumonia (new coronavirus disease, COVID-19), the severity of symptoms will be milder.

The researchers collected data on 205 adults diagnosed with the disease from March 2020 to February 2021 from the voluntary health registry of the nonprofit Intermountain Healthcare (Intermountain Healthcare). Those who fasted at least once a month for at least 40 years had lower rates of hospitalization or death due to the coronavirus. The study was published in BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health.

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Benjamin Horne, director of cardiovascular and genetic epidemiology at Mountain Care, said that fasting can reduce symptoms of inflammation, and the more severe symptoms of the new coronavirus are related to excessive inflammation in the body. In addition, he also mentioned that fasting for 12- After 14 hours, the body converts glucose in the blood into ketone bodies, which contain linoleic acid, which can make it difficult for the new coronavirus to attach to other cells. Horn adds that intermittent fasting promotes “autophagy,” a body cycle that helps destroy damaged and infected cells.

Horn emphasized that intermittent fasting has nothing to do with the diagnosis, and should not be regarded as a replacement for vaccines. The intermittent fasting people mentioned in the study have been practiced for more than 40 years, not a few weeks. He also recommends that people who want to try intermittent fasting, especially the elderly, pregnant, or those with diabetes, heart disease, or kidney disease, should first consult a physician or professional for advice.

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