“Health Network” to find the “bird” of youth!Doctor: There are 3 signs that the body is pulling the alarm-Instant News-Free Health Network

According to statistics, about 40% of men around the age of 40 will have erectile dysfunction problems such as inability to lift, decrease in the number of morning erections, and Microsoft; the picture shows a situational photo. (Picture taken from shutterstock)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Facing the decline of sexual function and the inability of sexual life, male friends can’t help but feel quite depressed, and even avoid problems because of fear of disease. In this regard, doctors reminded that men should never ignore the warning signals brought by the body, because it is related to daily life and family harmony. Therefore, when urination, erectile function and physical and mental problems are found, it is recommended to use male hormones. Lower the assessment scale, or seek medical attention early, to find out more potential problems.

Zhuang Fengbin, the adjunct chief physician of the Department of Urology of the Tri-Services General Hospital, posted on his Facebook fan page “Happy Physician Dr. Zhuang Fengbin“, YouTube channel “Happy Doctor Zhuang Fengbin“The post and filming pointed out that as the age increases and the physical function gradually decreases, the male health will be significantly different from the physical condition of the youth. In addition to the most common problems, such as urination, erectile function, physical and mental conditions, middle-aged obesity can also lead to hidden penis, or lifestyle habits such as smoking and drinking can cause penis to become smaller.

Please read on…

●Urination status:Frequent urination, dirty urination, dripping on your pants when urinating, frequent urination at night, or searching for the toilet when you go out due to bladder weakness may be warning signs.

●Erectile function:According to statistics, about 40% of men around the age of 40 will have erectile dysfunction problems such as inability to lift, decreased morning erections, and Microsoft.

●Physical and spiritual condition:Obesity, long-term smoking and drinking, or too little congestion of the corpus cavernosum, or even chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, etc., will cause the penis to become smaller.

Zhuang Fengbin reminded that if you want to prevent the decline of sexual function, it is recommended to use the Male Hormone Low Assessment Scale to judge whether your body is in a condition, or arrange a health check for yourself to find out more potential problems.

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