Health Network “Vitamin D increases the risk of dementia?Doctor: Not the active vitamin D studied

The doctor said that most of the vitamin D supplements available on the market are vitamin D3 or its analog vitamin D2, both of which are inactive vitamin D, and the dosage units are mostly marked in international units (IU). (AP file photo)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]A recent study published by the National Health Service claimed that the use of vitamin D would increase the risk of dementia by 1.8 times, causing many people to panic. In this regard, Dai Dawei, secretary-general of the Osteoporosis Society of the Republic of China and the attending physician of the Department of Orthopedics of Chengda Hospital, pointed out that the research refers to active vitamin D, and most of the vitamin D supplements available on the market are vitamin D3 or vitamin D3. Its analog vitamin D2, both of which are inactive vitamin D.

Dai Dawei’s Facebook page “Physician Dai Dawei“andpersonal webpageNote that active vitamin D is a drug, because it will significantly affect the endocrine, there are many places to pay attention to when using it, and you should carefully monitor whether there is hypercalcemia. Symptoms of hypercalcemia include vomiting, weakness, and symptoms of muscle or bone pain, so supplementation of this active vitamin D is generally not recommended for patients with osteoporosis.

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Dai Dawei pointed out that, relatively, inactive vitamin D3 or its analog vitamin D2 is much safer. To use a more vernacular analogy, active vitamin D is like a grenade that has been pulled out. , it is easy to blow yourself up; inactive vitamin D3 and vitamin D2 are the raw materials for making grenades, and the body will make grenades by itself when needed. The security of the two is vastly different.

How to tell the difference between active and inactive vitamin D

Dai Dawei said that active vitamin D is a medicine prescribed by a doctor, and it is usually unlikely to be sold as a health food. Most units of active vitamin D are labeled in a form similar to mcg. In Taiwan, the most common one is the oval-shaped capsule of active vitamin D soft capsule (U-Ca), one side is red and the other is white.

Dai Dawei said that inactive vitamin D3 or its analog vitamin D2 is a healthy food that can be sold in pharmacy hypermarkets. Most of its dosage units are expressed in International Units (IU). In theory, all products that can be purchased by themselves should be of this type, and the safety is very sufficient, so there is no need to panic.

Limited application of active vitamin D

Dai Dawei said that the conditions for health insurance to provide active vitamin D3 are limited to: vitamin D-dependent or hypophosphatemic rickets, hypoparathyroidism, chronic renal insufficiency with hypocalcemia, and postmenopausal osteoporosis with Spine or hip fracture. These groups tend to be in poor health, and it is not surprising that this is associated with an increased risk of dementia or death. Although osteoporosis is also covered by health insurance, due to the above-mentioned risks, osteoporosis specialists usually do not list active vitamin D3 as the first choice for vitamin D supplementation.

Dai Dawei pointed out that the most common users of active vitamin D are patients with kidney disease, and it is too early to say that “active vitamin D3 will cause an increased risk of dementia or death.” This study confirms “correlation”, not “causation”.

Dai Dawei used an example from Wikipedia to explain that the increase in ice cream sales is positively correlated with the number of drowning deaths. It cannot be inferred that ice cream will cause drowning, but because the temperature rises, the number of people who buy ice cream and engage in water play increases at the same time. Under the same probability, the number of drowning deaths will of course increase.

Dai Dawei said that if there is no problem related to osteoporosis, there is no special need to supplement calcium and vitamin D, but if you or your elders are patients with osteoporosis, remember to take enough calcium and vitamin D at the same time!

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