Health Network “What should I do if my stomach is often uncomfortable?Doctor: 5 types of high abdominal allergy foods should be eaten less – LOHAS Diet – Free Health Network

Fu Yuxiang said that food with high abdominal sensitivity is because some sugars are not easily absorbed by the small intestine, causing a series of symptoms of gastrointestinal discomfort. If the digestive function is weak, or if you want to prepare food for the elderly, it is recommended to avoid high abdominal sensitivity food. (Picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]As we get older, the function of the digestive system gradually declines, and there are often symptoms such as flatulence, abdominal cramps, and intestinal irritability. In this regard, Fu Yuxiang, director of Xiangzhan Clinic, posted on his Facebook fan page “Your Chef, Doctor Yuxiang, Department of Aging MedicineThe article suggested that those with poor digestive function should avoid 5 kinds of foods with high abdominal sensitivity in order to reduce the chance of postprandial bloating and indigestion.

Fu Yuxiang said that food with high abdominal sensitivity is because some sugars are not easily absorbed by the small intestine, which causes a series of symptoms of gastrointestinal discomfort. If the digestive function is relatively weak or if you want to prepare food for the elders, it is recommended to avoid the following ingredients:

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vegetable: Onions, garlic, shallots, leeks, asparagus that contain more oligosaccharides.

dairy products: Lactose-containing milk, ice cream, cheese, yogurt.

fruit: Lychees, persimmons, mangoes, watermelons, plums, and apricots that contain more fructose.

Nuts and seeds: Pistachios, Cashews.

sweetener: Honey, fructose, sugar substitute.

In addition, it was previously circulated on the Internet that you should not eat whole grains if you have a bad stomach and avoid dietary fiber from scratching your intestines. Is this statement true? To this,National Health AdministrationHe once responded that if you have symptoms of gastrointestinal inflammation or ulcers, you really need to reduce the intake of dietary fiber during acute attacks, such as brown rice, whole wheat, sweet potatoes and other whole grains and vegetables with high crude fiber content, etc. Alleviate discomfort and allow the patient’s bowels to rest and have a full chance of repair.

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