Healthy retirement: an illusion?

2023-04-20 09:31:16

On Saturday April 15, the Official Journal published the pension reform promulgated the day before by the President of the Republic. Among its key arguments, we heard that the constant progress of healthy life expectancy justify setting the legal retirement age at 64. Of course, studies in this direction abound, such as the report of la Dress1 stating that, since 2008, disability-free life expectancy at age 65 has increased by two years and one month for women (expecting to live 12.1 years without disability after age 65) and by one year and eleven months for men (expecting to live 10.6 years without disability). However, a study published in the journal Nature2 contradicts these figures by shedding new light on the reasons why, inexorably, past the age of 65, we take a nasty shot of old age.

More precisely, the Cambridge scientists sought to identify the processes explaining that age leads to changes in the production of blood cells (hematopoiesis) inducing a reduction in the ability of cells to regenerate, the drop in blood cells (cytopenia), immune dysfunction and an increased risk of blood cancer. The answer is in the number of stem cells, essential for the production of blood cells, the number of which collapses after the age of 65/70. From several tens of thousands (even hundreds of thousands) of types of stem cells in the bone marrow, we go down, past the milestone of 65/70 years, to… tens! Suffice to say, without pun intended, that from there, blood cells are the result of true “inbreeding”deleterious for their diversity, with serious consequences on health.

So who to believe? Science or statistics? We can, as the newspaper La Dépêche does3temper the results of the Dress, recalling that “ the annual changes in disability-free life expectancy should always be analyzed with caution, due to the declarative dimension of the indicator and the size of the sample “. Or we can opt as the Minister of Labour, Olivier Dussopt, for a track worthy of wellness coaches. To a France Inter listener admitting that “ [son] body no longer follows at work, he replied on February 15: “ The strong question is the ability we have to find meaning and pleasure in work. It doesn’t matter how many stem cells there are.

Under no circumstances is the information and advice offered on the Alternative Santé site likely to replace a consultation or a diagnosis formulated by a doctor or a health professional, who are the only ones able to adequately assess your state of health.

#Healthy #retirement #illusion

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