Here Al Zahid: I will achieve my dream with “Sasha” soon

2023-09-16 04:17:31

Between cinema, theater and drama, the Egyptian actress Hana El-Zahed lives this year in a state of artistic activity, as she has achieved distinction and a strong presence, and has topped the starring roles, whether on the “golden screen” in the movie “Mister X”, which brought her together for the first time with her husband Ahmed Fahmy. Cinematically, he competed strongly in the summer cinema season, achieving high positions at the box office, or across digital platforms, where she is currently being shown the series “Leave and I Leave”, which brings her together for the first time with the actor Ahmed Al-Saadani, in addition to fulfilling her dream of standing opposite the actor. Ahmed Helmy on the stage of “Father of the Arts” in the play “Memo”, which achieved great success in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.. “Zahrat Al Khaleej” met Hana Al Zahid, during her attendance at the special screening of the movie “Mr. 2023, her experience with digital platforms, her dealings with rumors, and her story with “Egyptian Barbie” (Sasha); So this conversation was:

• “Soon, Mr. and Mrs.

– The film’s story, events, and main characters qualify it for several parts. Since the beginning of writing the film, its makers have been thinking about preparing a second part, but the decision remains linked to the success that “Mister X” will achieve after it is shown in various parts of the Arab world. The idea is certainly possible, especially with the appearance of the lawyer “Tayba”, the character I embody in the film, who will play the same role played by “Fred – Mr. To divorce women from their husbands, especially those who have marital problems, after “Farid” left her on her wedding day and did not marry her, and she begins to compete with him in a comedic social context.

• How was your experience in “Mr.

– It was a different experience, and its idea was different. I loved it very much when it was shown to me. “Mr. And an essential factor in the success of the film, as their roles were employed professionally to serve the drama, including: Bayoumi Fouad, Elham Shaheen, Akram Hosni, Big Ramy, and Amr Youssef. As for my cooperation with Fahmy, we pledged – from the beginning of our relationship – to be in “The Location” as an actor and an actress, and we both understood that because of the nature of our work, and I found all support and assistance from him, especially after we had previously dealt with the series “Al-Wad Sayed Al-Shahat.” There was “artistic chemistry” between us, far from being a couple, until we met again in “Mr.

Representative fusion

• “Representational integration, and taking on the character until you become part of its embodiment” is an artistic quality that the actor must have, and this may negatively affect him, so he continues to embody the character even after filming is over.. Has this happened to you before?

This actually happened, but not with me, but with my husband, Ahmed Fahmy. When he was filming the series “The Assassin”, which is currently being shown on one of the digital platforms, and whose story – taken from real events – revolves around the famous killer “The Assassin of Giza”, Fahmy was affected. Very, his reactions during that period were violent, and he was living in a state of depression at home, due to his influence on the personality. As for me, I am very emotional; That’s why I love romantic roles, and I’m influenced by them, and they possess me a lot.

• The international film “Barbie” is currently showing, and some have called you “the Barbie of Egyptian cinema.” Do you wish to present an Arabic version of this film?

– I certainly hope so, because I love the colors pink and white, and I am a fan of “Disney,” to the point that I designed my house to be similar to this world, and soon a movie will be made that Ahmed Fahmy is preparing. The idea was taken from the late artist Talaat Zakaria, about an Egyptian bride named “Sasha.” Her life and story are different from “Barbie,” but I will put my own touches on her, especially since I dreamed of embodying a character like her, who would be an Arab bride, and soon I will launch “Egyptian Barbie” (Sasha).

• The series “Leave and I Leave” is currently being shown, which is your first dramatic appearance on digital platforms. How did you find the reactions?

“Leap and I Will Leave” brings me together, for the first time, with Ahmed Al-Saadani, with whom I was very happy to cooperate, and the series is a distinct and unique experience of its kind by various standards, as I – for the first time – appear as a heroine in a work produced by a digital platform, especially after the overwhelming presence of digital platforms. , which also served the work and the artist by achieving wider Arab and international spread, in addition to the distinctive idea of ​​the work and my different role, as it is a social romantic comedy series (10 episodes), whose story revolves around a girl named “Bella” who works in sewing, before she turns to fashion and turns into… Influential on social media. In a context full of funny atmospheres, the series presents the story of “Bella,” an activist on “social media,” whose relationship with an artist spreads, so she decides to quickly return to Alexandria. To hide these lies before her husband found out about them. I received positive reactions as soon as I released the promotional video and the song for the series that I performed, “Duet” with Al-Saadani.

Dealing with rumours

• After more than 20 years of absence from the theater, Ahmed Helmy returned to “Abu Al-Funun” with the play “Mimo,” in which you participated in the lead. How do you evaluate the experience?

– The play witnessed a large audience response during its showing in Saudi Arabia, in Riyadh, Jeddah, and Abha. Of course, I was very happy to work with Helmi, as I dreamed of standing in front of him in one of the artistic works, after I previously presented the radio work “A Groom Wanted” with him. The play is a different experience, especially since standing on the stage of “Father of Arts” has another flavor, in addition to my cooperation with a group of the most prominent comedians, such as: Ahmed Rizk and Hamdi Al-Mirghani, and its events revolve around a failed young man who takes the easy path of “social media.” To achieve what he dreams of.

• Speaking of “social media”… How do you deal with the rumors that affect your family life with Fahmy, through social networking sites?

– Indeed, I have recently noticed a lot of rumors circulating about me, but in general I do not pay attention to them, and I do not care about fake news. Since I decided to create accounts on social media sites, I focus only on the nature of my work, and I do not like anyone to talk to me about it except me. About my technician.

• What about your new artistic projects?

– Some time ago, I contracted for a new film entitled “An Interlude of Delicious Moments,” with the participation of actor Hisham Maged, and its events take place within a social comedic framework. Preparations are also underway for the second part of the film “Love Story” with actor Ahmed Hatem. It is written by Amani Souissi and directed by Othman Abu Laban.

#Zahid #achieve #dream #Sasha

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