here are 6 tips to withstand the announced 35 degrees!

1. Find (or set up) cool places

Make sure you have a place that stays cool, so you can recover and breathe in the most difficult times. At home, close shutters, blinds and curtains during the day, and ventilate at night. “If during this heat wave, temperatures remain below 20 Cº at night, this allows you to ventilate your home well and it is playable “, says doctor Luc Herry, general practitioner of Chaudfontaine and vice-president of Absym. ” In contrast… “ Read more.

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2. Don’t wait to be thirsty to drink

The dehydration can lead to coma or even death. It is advisable to drink plenty of water, up to 2 liters a day, to compensate for all that you will sweat. The elderly are particularly vulnerable because they feel thirst less quickly and because they sometimes take diuretic drugs (against high blood pressure). Ideally, you should drink every 20 minutes. Babies are also more fragile at this level “because they sweat more than adults”, says Dr. Herry. “Never leave a child in a hot place, and never in a car, it’s deadly ».

Check out all the other tips here.

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